Survey shows 27% drop out and 4% not in school education amongst poor minority children

Hyderabad, 27th June 2024: Post a randomised survey on the status of education of vulnerable children in over 15 Major slums. Helping Hand Foundation has now set up a first of its kind a 100% free Primary cum bridge school mostly for 1st generation children to go to school of migrant labour in Errakunta a highly vulnerable slum under Jalpally municipal limits.


The survey done in Hakeempet, Md lines, Rajendranagar, Kishanbagh, Khyamnagar, Hasanagar, KalaPather, Errakunta, Shaheen Nagar, Pahadi Sherif, Jalpally etc, where 2500 households were interviewed over a period of last 3 months has indicated 27% students in which almost 50% at primary school level have dropped out of school in the last academic year.

4% of children in school going age were found out of the education system or haven’t attended school yet. Almost 65% of these dropout children’s parents are migrants from other states like Maharashtra, Karnataka, Bihar, UP Etc.

75% parents said the main reason for drop out is financial hardships in sending children to private schools which have proliferated in every nook and corner of Urban Slums city.

With an idea to promote & enrol children for free education in Government schools – HHF mapped 756 government schools in the Urban slums where it did the survey & found that the distribution & availability of govt schools inequitable. Some areas have grossly deficient government schools which are easily accessible to children & some areas have relatively more schools.

However, even where government schools are available in nearby vicinity, only 30% of the total 1050 students who were counselled for enrolment, registered and others did not agree to go government schools for various reasons. HHF, helped these children in obtaining bonafides like birth certificates and Aadhaar cards necessary for admission.

Transportation or accessibility to government schools was top on the mind of 55% of the parents interviewed. Govt Schools which are more than 1-2km away are difficult to access and parents are not in a position to spend even Rs 50 to 100 per day for transportation.

35% parents pointed out the lack of teaching staff, toilets and other facilities that acts as a deterrent for sending their children to government schools.

HHF School

In view of the high dropouts and poor enrolment ratio in govt schools – HHF set up a first of its kind primary cum bridge school from Nursery to class 5 for children of daily wagers, single & abandoned mothers and mainly migrant labour. The HHF school has enrolled 400 students so far.

In view of the survey findings which showed Transportation as the critical bottle neck for accessibility and continued education of children from marginalised sections. HHF has arranged free school shuttle services to pick and drop all students enrolled in the school.

The school has 14 classrooms, and 2 classrooms are dedicated for Bridge school students. The school also has appointed 12 qualified teachers, one headmistress, 2 counsellors, 4 housekeeping staff, 4 transportation staff for daily bus shuttle services and aim to provide high quality primary education without causing any financial hardships. It is estimated that collectively Rs 1 Crore worth of school education of poor parents will be saved in an Anum by this initiative.

Both education and health are key social determinants of poverty now with several free health centers – free education in this cluster of slums is sure to create a huge socio-economic impact, said Mr. Mujtaba Hasan Askari of Helping Hand Foundation.

The school was formally inaugurated by Mr. Syed Mazharuddin Hussaini, Executive Director, SEED-USA, the main partners of HHF in India.

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