First They Conquered The Battle Of Cancer, Now They Are Teaching People How To Win

Maj Gen S.C. Pareek (Retd.) Medical Director
Maj Gen S.C. Pareek (Retd.)Medical Director

Maj Gen S.C. Pareek (Retd.)
Medical Director

National Cancer Survivor Day special

Jaipur. If the will power is strong, even a dreadful disease like cancer can be easily defeated. A similar example was presented by cancer survivors at Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital and Research Center on Saturday. On the occasion of National Cancer Survivor Day, Survivor Interaction Week was organized by the hospital. On the first day of this week, cancer survivors interacted with the cancer patients and encouraged them to take the complete course of treatment. They also motivated them to maintain a positive thinking during the treatment.
Online patient support continues

Vocal Cord Cancer Survivor Varun Pareek said that in 2008, during his cancer treatment, his vocal cords were removed. A prosthesis was put in their place but after about four months of practice his voice came back. Varun has been since then training and motivating vocal cord cancer patients for the last 13 years to take complete treatment as well as how to start speech with prosthesis. Even during the Covid pandemic, Varun’s desire to spread awareness did not slow down. Today Varun is training the patients through online platforms. He is providing support to cancer patients from different parts of the country including Nashik, Mumbai, Kota.

Motivating cancer patients via counseling

Ajay Sharma, who became a cancer survivor after surgery, chemo and radiation therapies during his treatment of oral cancer, is leading a normal healthy life today. He says that I have experienced that our positive thinking throughout has a good effect on the treatment. During my treatment, I saw hundreds of patients come to the hospital every day for treatment but there was always a sense of fear and negativity in their minds. To change this mindset, I started counseling the cancer patients during my treatment. Before the commencement of my radiation therapy, Dr. Nidhi Patni explained various things to me which in turn I would share with the cancer patients to eliminate fear and negativity from their minds. Even after the completion of my treatment, I am still in touch with the cancer patients to motivate and counsel them.

Positive impact of counseling

Cancer specialist Dr. Naresh Jakhotia says that counseling has a positive effect on cancer patients. Along with the counseling by a cancer doctor, if a cancer survivor gives counseling to the patient then it has a more profound effect on the patient. Even after cancer treatment when survivors come to the hospital for follow-up there are many survivors who counsel the patients taking treatment. Keeping in mind these positive effects of counseling, many different patient support groups have also been formed by the hospital, where survivors provide support to the patients.