‘Deepfake’ is a big challenge for the entire world: Ram Nath Kovind

Former President of India spoke at the 55th convocation of IIMC

New Delhi, January 11: Delivering the 55th Convocation Address of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), former President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, said that ‘Deepfake’, Fake News and Misinformation poses a significant challenge for the entire world. Today, anyone can use digital means to intentionally spread misinformation. He said that journalists graduating from institutions such as IIMC have to ensure that we put up a fight against the spread of Fake News and Misinformation. IIMC Chairman Shri R. Jagannathan, Director General Dr. Anupama Bhatnagar and Additional Director General Dr. Nimish Rustagi were present on the occasion.

convocation meeting

 During the convocation held at Pragati Maidan’s Bharat Mandapam, postgraduate diploma certificates were awarded to students from the batches of 2021–22 and 2022–23 (IIMC Delhi and its Regional Centers at Dhenkanal, Aizawl, Amravati, Kottayam and Jammu). Also, 65 students from both batches were honoured with various awards.

Speaking as the Chief Guest, Shri Kovind highlighted IIMC’s recognition as a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in the field of education and training in mass communication. He emphasised the significant contribution of IIMC students to Indian journalism and mentioned the institute’s commitment to preparing students for careers in journalism.

Shri Ram Nath Kovind advised the students, who are entering the field of journalism and media, to be prepared to tackle the misuse of rapidly advancing technology. He urged them to ensure that citizens receive accurate information amidst the challenges of fake news, misinformation, and deepfakes that the nation and the world are currently facing.

sri ram nath kovind

Shri Kovind urged the graduating students to stay away from the trend of sensationalizing news to garner greater TRPs. He cautioned against employing such shortcuts and urged everyone to preserve the values of journalism. He asserted that the power to build a developed India by 2047 lies in the hands of the youth, and they should use this power wisely.

Director General of IIMC, Dr. Anupama Bhatnagar, expressed IIMC’s commitment to providing every student with opportunities for comprehensive development necessary for their overall growth. The convocation ceremony witnessed the participation of over 700 students, professors, officials, and others.