Funskool Unveils Over 25 New Toys and Games this Festive Season

December 14th 2024: Funskool India, the country’s leading toy manufacturer, has launched an exclusive lineup of toys and games, just in time for the festive holiday season, bringing joy to children of all age groups, starting from 8-months upwards. The new collection features a blend of engaging toys from popular in-house brands such as Giggles- Infant and Pre-school products, Handicrafts for arts and crafts, Play & Learn Puzzles and FunDough, as well as from globally renowned brands such as IMC Toys and Spin Master.

Magnetic Slate, Learn N Write Slate and Learn N Write Deluxe from Giggles will provide a fun and intuitive way for children to learn reading, writing and math. An additional deluxe edition of the

ever popular ‘My First Easel’ from Giggles in a new refreshed packing has been introduced which will kindle extra creativity and learning in young children. Link Along Caterpillar & Jumbo Push and Twirl from Giggles will offer an engaging experience for toddlers.

Brand-new games like Hedbanz, Wobbly Warm, Who’s It and Icky Picky, will provide children endless hours of fun. Funskool has also introduced creative Fundough sets like Jungle Friends, Pond Friends and Farm Friends inviting children to indulge in a world of moulding and animal making.

Funskool in association with Green Gold Animation Pvt ltd also brings to life the beloved characters of Chhota Bheem and Kirmada with other amazing Action Figures.

Matching Puzzles in four variants – Healthy Food, Colours, Professions and Sports from Play & Learn will keep the children positively engaged for hours. Canvas Art Glitter, Glass Painting Nature, Unicorn Soap Making Kit from Handy Crafts are perfect for craft lovers of any age group.

R. Jeswant, CEO, Funskool India, shared his vision, saying, “Our mission is to inspire, engage and bring joy to every child and every child at heart. As pioneers in toy safety and quality, we aim to be part of every child’s journey of entertainment coupled with holistic development of young minds. Each new launch during the holiday season is designed to bring families together and create lasting memories.