Mr. Tarun Sharma takes charge as India Exim Bank’s Deputy Managing Director

Pune, April  2023 Mr. Tarun Sharma took charge as the Deputy Managing Director (DMD) of India Exim Bank on April 18, 2023. Prior to this, he was the Chief Financial Officer of the Bank and also led the Bank’s technology initiatives. He has over two decades of global experience in the trade, competitiveness, industry and infrastructure development and policy, and recently conceptualised and developed a new trade facilitation initiative, viz., Trade Assistance Programme (TAP), which provides credit enhancement to trade instruments to enhance the capacity of commercial banks to support cross-border trade transactions. Mr. Sharma is the Chair of the BRICS Financial Services Working Group, India Chapter since March 2022, and has earlier led the Task Force on SME cooperation.

Prior to being the CFO, Mr. Sharma was heading the Bank’s New Delhi Office, with responsibilities covering structuring finance for enhancing the capability of Indian companies; recovery and debt resolution; supporting socio-economic development projects in partner countries; handling government affairs and contributing to policy formulation. During this time, he was also responsible for launching a new initiative ‘Ubharte Sitaare Programme’ to identify enterprises that have latent potential by way of technology, product or process, and support through a mix of debt, equity and technical assistance. Mr. Sharma also established and managed a programme to support strategic projects globally under a concessional financing scheme of the Government.

Mr. Sharma has worked in various functional groups across the Bank and has also served as the Bank’s Resident Representative (Americas) based in Washington DC, followed by a stint as a consultant with the World Bank’s Capacity Development and Partnerships Unit.

Mr. Sharma has authored a book ‘Project Exports: Connecting Continents with Indian Expertise’, exploring the instrumental role that project exports are capable of playing in India’s quest for sustainable rapid economic growth. Mr. Sharma has a bachelor’s degree in engineering from Pune, followed by a postgraduate programme in management studies from Mumbai. He has also completed advanced executive management programmes from Cornell University in the U.S. and the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.