Myntra has launched a star-studded brand campaign with the roll out of ad films starring India’s most loved superstar, Hrithik Roshan, and B-Town diva, Kiara Advani. This is part of Myntra’s latest campaign aimed at reinforcing the brand’s position as ‘India’s Fashion Expert’, featuring a diverse superstar cast who are loved for their fashion game, in addition to their films. The duo, in their individual ad films, will drive home Myntra’s fashion narrative, with millions of their fans from all over the country.
Both the stars have made a mark for themselves as among the finest actors in the industry, with many successful projects to their credit, cutting across various genres.
Hrithik’s appeal and strong influence transcends age, geography and gender, as millions of his fans connect with various facets of his personality. His strong connect with Myntra through years of building and growing the HRX brand together on platform and now, this association will further strengthen Myntra’s position as India’s Fashion Expert and help build even wider reach and traction for the men’s wear category.
Within a short time in her career journey, Kiara has dazzled her critics and fans alike with her craft and impressive record of filmography and OTT projects, as well as her fashion choices. Her much desired poise and top notch wardrobe choices will further elevate Myntra’s position in women’s casual and ethnic wear in her fans’ minds.
With this association, Myntra is all set to strengthen its strong connect with its consumers, influence and accelerate the business, further strengthening its leadership in the market.