Principled Technologies Finds That an Intel Core i7-10610U Processor-Powered Laptop with Intel vPro Technology Was More Responsive Than a Thin Client Running VDI

A new report shows that remote users could have a better experience with the Intel Core i7 processor-powered PC, due to better responsiveness and the device’s ability to process more frames per second (FPS) during video conferencing.

Durham, NC : Working remotely can present plenty of distractions that affect productivity. A user’s system shouldn’t be one of them. In Principled Technologies (PT) testing, an Intel Core i7-10610U processor-powered laptop delivered significant performance benefits over a thin client running applications in a Windows Virtual Desktop environment. These benefits can translate to a better user experience while enabling users to complete tasks faster.

Regarding video conferencing, the PT report states that “[t]he Intel Core i7 processor-powered laptop with Intel vPro technology delivered more FPS than the thin client…,” and that “[h]igher-quality video during video conferencing can contribute to a better experience because you can focus on meeting content.”