Seniors actively join in for walkathon to promote Good Health

Max Superspeciality Hospital, Vaishali A mega-walkathon organized to promote the spirit of “A Walk Towards Good Health” with senior members of the society to spread awareness and promote the benefits of walking for all.


The importance of daily walks and how it helps prevents various joint-related problems was promoted through this activity where senior citizensall parts of the town including patients who have undergone orthopedic surgeries, took part in huge numbers. The event was flagged off by Dr Gaurav Aggarwal, VP Operations, Max Hospital,Vaishali. The walkathon also intended to sensitize the participants about the improved quality of life post an orthopedicsurgery. The event was concluded with an insightful health talk by Dr B S Murthy, Director, Orthopaedics, Max Hospital,Vaishali on the necessity of an active life both in general and post any surgery.


The walkathon saw participation from over 200 seniors who covered a distance ofapproximately3 kms. The 2 hour long walk attracted numerous views and supporters for the elderly people and their joyous spirit. The key highlight of the walkathon was that none of the participants got tired and gave up mid-way. Their spirit not only showed how strong they are but also their determination to live a healthy retired life. While, the elder population is perceived to be physically weak and inactive, through this activity they proved that they are nowhere behind the younger generation.