Ariel University Honors Distinguished Individuals with Honorary Doctorates

Prof. Albert Pinhasov, Rector of Ariel University, added, "The recipients we honored today have demonstrated exceptional commitment and contributions to Israeli society

26 June 2024
Ariel, Israel – Ariel University proudly celebrated the awarding of honorary degrees to several distinguished individuals in a ceremony held this morning at the university campus. The event honored those who have made significant contributions to society and research across various fields, showcasing their remarkable achievements and dedication to the values of Israeli society.

The ceremony recognized the following outstanding personalities:

Professor Pinhasov - Doron Almog - Professor Grossman

Major General Doron Almog: Chairman of the Jewish Agency and the rehabilitation village “Adi Negev Nachalat Eran”. Major General Almog was recognized for his long-standing dedication to the State of Israel and its residents, including his pioneering work in establishing support frameworks for people with special needs and a comprehensive rehabilitation center.

Prof. Israel Aumann: A Nobel Prize-winning mathematician and economist. Prof. Aumann’s applied research has significantly influenced modern economics, computer science, and evolutionary biology. He has tirelessly worked to strengthen Zionism and the State of Israel.

Nily Falic: For many years, Mrs. Falic headed the Friends of the IDF organization in the USA and Panama. She was awarded the title for her long-term support for the State of Israel and for projects and organizations that work for the country and its security. Mrs. Falic is known for her Zionist and public activity, serving as a driving force for connection and support for Israel among Diaspora Jewry.

Professor Pinhasov - Rachel Haber - Professor Grossman - Photo Credit Eyal Mass

Rachel Haber: Chairwoman of the “Matnat Chaim” association and recipient of the Israel Prize for 2023. Rachel Haber was honored for her tireless efforts in providing comprehensive support for kidney donations in Israel. Her mission and determination have fostered a spirit of giving, kindness, and human respect, greatly strengthening society.

Professor Pinhasov - Yoseph Haddad - Professor Grossman - Photo Credit Eyal Mass

Yoseph Haddad: Known for his prominent role in Israeli advocacy since the events of October 7, Haddad received an honorary degree for his relentless efforts in combating anti-Semitism, fostering unity among diverse populations, and presenting Israel’s true face to the world. As a Christian Arab, his authentic voice and significant contributions have deepened the connection between Arab and Israeli societies. The decision to honor him highlights his uncompromising activity on behalf of Israeli society and his significant role in bridging communities.

Moti Sonnenfeld: A philanthropist renowned for his contributions to education, medicine, and individual assistance. His philanthropic ventures have opened opportunities for disadvantaged populations, promoting compassionate and humane medicine. Mr. Sonnenfeld’s work is grounded in values of compassion and love for others, reinforcing the health system, Zionism, and the State of Israel.

Professor Pinhasov - Sheikh Mowafaq Tarif - Professor Grossman

Sheikh Mowafaq Tarif: Honored for his leadership and societal contributions, Sheikh Tarif’s work exemplifies the values of harmony and mutual respect.

Prof. Meir Wilchek: A professor of biochemistry and Israel Prize winner. Prof. Wilchek’s pioneering research in chemistry, biology, and medicine, particularly in biochemistry, has led to significant advancements in protein-based medicines. His commitment to research, science, and Zionism exemplifies the values of resilience and revival.

ZAKA Organization: Awarded an honorary doctorate for the dedication of its volunteers and activists, who have been performing holy work for over 25 years. Their efforts in locating, rescuing, and saving lives, as well as identifying and collecting human remains for dignified burial, were particularly notable during the events of October 7. The decision to honor ZAKA underscores their infinite sensitivity, enormous responsibility, humility, and devotion in preserving human dignity.

The ceremony, held in the presence of senior university officials and other public representatives, was a pinnacle of public appreciation, highlighting the achievements of these distinguished individuals who contribute to the strength and unity of Israeli society.

Prof. Ehud Grossman, President of Ariel University, remarked, “Ariel University honors Yoseph Haddad and all our distinguished recipients as clear representatives of the human spirit at its best. Each honoree embodies a spirit of tireless pursuit of justice, social harmony, and excellence in their respective fields and research. Today’s ceremony is a testament to their diverse and profound contributions, which enrich our society with their dedication, achievements, and innovative research. The titles awarded reflect the recognition and appreciation of the academy and the public for their important and continuous work.

Prof. Albert Pinhasov, Rector of Ariel University, added, “The recipients we honored today have demonstrated exceptional commitment and contributions to Israeli society. Their diverse achievements reflect the values we uphold at Ariel University: dedication, compassion, and the pursuit of excellence. We are proud to recognize their efforts and celebrate their impact on our community and beyond.”

About Neel Achary 19508 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.