Sanskriti University created awareness on COVID 19 through webinar

New Delhi / Mathura – School of Medical and Allied Sciences of Sanskriti University organized the virtual webinar on ‘Sailing with Smile in High Tide of COVID Pandemic.’ The key speaker of the webinar was Consultant Professor, VMCC & Safdarjung Hospital Dr. Mukul Singh explained the significance of health care, precautions and pathological testing pertaining to COVID virus to all the attendees at the webinar.

While addressing the frightening situation of COVID, Dr. Mukul Singh said, “It is not the time to be frightened from the situation; we need to win over the pandemic only with our strong and positive thinking. On a regular basis we should focus on washing hands periodically, sanitizing, wearing a mask and social distancing as precautions to be safe from infections.” She further added that we must be proud of our nation where the first vaccines and drugs were made in India, hoping to get more Scientists and researchers from our upcoming generation.

The Chancellor of Sanskriti University, Sachin Gupta said, “It is not the time to panic, and everyone needs to be healthy by practicing Yoga, exercises, Pranayama at least for 20 minutes daily to fight this battle against COVID. The precautions must be taken to avoid COVID and we should be following a healthy and balanced diet which will always protect us from infectious diseases.”

The purpose of organizing the webinar for students, faculty members, and attendees is to make them aware about the symptoms, effects, and implications of the COVID -19 virus. The speaker Dr. Mukul Singh helped the students in every aspect while clearing doubts raised by them in the interactive session and provided precautions to be taken. Sanskriti University created awareness on winning over COVID 19 pandemic through this webinar.