Birthmom Buddies Launches Petition to Raise Awareness and Support for Birth Moms

Birthmom Buddies Launches Petition to Raise Awareness and Support for Birth Moms

Los Angeles, CA, July 03, 2024 — Birthmom Buddies is proud to announce the launch of the Hope and Support Campaign and Petition, addressing a critical gap in support for birth mothers. This pioneering initiative is dedicated to offering comprehensive assistance, including emotional, financial, and advocacy services. Through this petition, Birthmom Buddies aims to drive systemic change. Megan Pater, founder of Birthmom Buddies, asserts, “We question why birth mothers are often left in the same challenging circumstances they sought to escape for their child’s sake by choosing adoption.”

The decision to seek adoption services is one that comes with considerable responsibility and emotional weight. Birth mothers often carry significant emotional burdens such as shame, stigma, and grief. These feelings are compounded by societal attitudes and the long-term nature of their loss. Recognizing this, Birthmom Buddies offers hope and support. “Our vision is clear,” states the founder of Birthmom Buddies, Megan Pater, “a world where every birth mother, regardless of her background, is enveloped with the care and support she deserves. A world where her sacrifice is not just acknowledged, but honored through real, tangible measures. We are not just creating a support system; we are building a movement to redefine how birth mothers are treated post-adoption. As the founder of Birthmom Buddies, I am committed to this cause. It’s not just a mission; it’s a reflection of my own journey and a path to help others in similar situations. We stand for empowerment, for recognition, and for the right of every birth mother to have a fair change in life post-adoption. It’s a testament to the strength, love and resilience of every birth mother who has walked this path.” Understanding relinquishment trauma is essential for adoptees, birth parents, adoptive families, and mental health professionals. Acknowledging and addressing this trauma can help their journey and improve adoption practices to reduce the risk of trauma.

Compelling evidence:
1. Research in The Journal of Family Issues (2009) indicates that birth mothers who engage in post-adoption counseling report greater satisfaction with their decision, as opposed to those who lack such support.
2. The American Psychological Association (APA) underscores the significance of mental health care for birth mothers, highlighting its role in aiding them to navigate grief, cope with loss, and rebuild a healthy identity post-adoption.
3. Marie Dolfi, a clinical social worker, has written an article about the impact of relinquishment trauma: Relinquishment Trauma: The Forgotten Trauma

The petition features topics such as:

Mental Health Services and Support
Post-Birth Medical Care
Social Support Services
Education and Awareness

Additionally, Birthmom Buddies offers a community where women can share their experiences, offer support, and learn from one another. This interactive component provides a unique opportunity for users to connect with others who are navigating similar paths. Megan understands that every mother’s situation is unique. That’s why she created the Hope and Support Campaign and petition,, to be able to create the resources that are both comprehensive and adaptable to individual needs. “By endorsing this petition, you champion the rights and welfare of birth mothers nationwide. Together, we can guarantee that all women making the altruistic decision for adoption gain access to the necessary mental health and financial support, independent of their economic status. Join us in backing these valiant women who have chosen a brighter future for their children.”