real-estate market

Builders need to re-align and respond quickly to the new norm of digitisation to stay relevant: Pawan Gupta, CEO and Founder, Comezzo,

The AEC Punch by CorpGini in collaboration with Comezzo, Business World Wire, Elegance Enterprises and Go Smart Bricks was a power-packed webinar that brought together corporate heads and start-ups. The webinar brought to light some of […]

CorpGini’s virtual panelsession on the theme ‘Future of Design & Construction’ proves to be a GameChanger

CorpGini concludes “The {Corporate} Punch”, India’s biggest virtual corporate innovation gathering in fight against Covid-19

CorpGini an initiative by Pantomath Group and Z Nation Lab, put together a 6 days long virtual panel discussion that brought together over 100 startups and 5000+ corporates participants to interact with Industry stalwarts on […]