4 Activities Senior Veterans Can do to Benefit Their Health

4 Activities Senior Veterans Can do to Benefit Their Health

Life after the military brings big changes and the need to redefine one’s sense of purpose. Returning to civilian life after military service comes with many adjustments. Finding meaningful hobbies and activities is an important part of the transition process for veterans. The right activities can provide stress relief, social connection, mental stimulation, physical exercise, and a sense of purpose. Here are 4 terrific activity options to benefit U.S. veterans’ health and well-being:


Volunteering is a great way for veterans to continue serving their community and stay engaged. There are many volunteer opportunities that allow veterans to utilize their unique skills and experiences.

For example, volunteering with disaster relief organizations lets veterans assist with supply logistics, construction projects, or wilderness search and rescue. Animal shelters benefit from veterans’ abilities to help socialize dogs with training.

Mentoring disadvantaged youth gives veterans a chance to be positive role models and teach important life skills. Volunteering with veteran charities and support organizations allows veterans to help their own community. Giving back provides veterans with a sense of meaning and achievement that supports the transition to civilian life.


Fishing is a relaxing outdoor activity loved by many veterans. It provides a peaceful escape into nature that can lower stress levels. Casting a line and waiting patiently for a catch teaches veterans to find comfort in the present moment.

Fishing gets veterans moving gently by wandering the shore or taking a boat out on the water. The surrounding scenery and sounds promote serenity. Joining local veteran fishing groups allows for meaningful camaraderie on the excursion. Catching fish brings excitement and achievement.

Cooking and eating the catch can be a bonus experience! Adding fishing to their routine gives veterans much needed time outdoors in nature and new social connections.


For senior veterans looking to stay active, the sport of pickleball is a fantastic hobby. As Veterans Care Coordination Founder and CEO Kyle Laramie writes, pickleball is exploding in popularity among mature adults for its fun, social nature and health benefits.

It provides great low-impact exercise to build endurance, balance, coordination, and reflexes without straining joints. Games emphasize camaraderie and social connection between teammates and fellow players.

The sport engages brain activity by sharpening strategy, focus, concentration, and quick reaction time. Many retirement communities and senior centers are incorporating pickleball courts and leagues. Learning pickleball gives veterans an enjoyable activity to pursue individually or within a community.

Continuing Education

Furthering education is another excellent activity for veterans moving forward after military service. Taking advantage of the G.I. Bill benefits earned through service is a smart way for veterans to gain new skills.

Enrolling in college classes allows veterans to work towards degrees that open new career opportunities beyond the military. Trade schools are another great option, teaching veterans construction, mechanical, tech, healthcare, or other hands-on vocational skills.

The mental stimulation of continuing education keeps veterans engaged and challenged in a positive way. Learning environments also provide social connection with fellow students and instructors. Investing in educational development sets veterans up for long-term success.


Continuing to engage in meaningful activities is vital for veterans transitioning back to everyday life. The right hobbies can enrich physical, mental, and social well-being. Veterans interested in exploring new activities can connect with veteran organizations for guidance and companionship. Staying active and involved is key to health and happiness after military service.

About Neel Achary 20487 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.