Author Brandon Weber’s New Book Stratosfear

Author Brandon Weber’s New Book Stratosfear

Elko, NV, June 11, 2024 –Brandon Weber has completed his new book, “Stratosfear”: a gripping and potent novel that invites readers to escape into a dramatized version of the author’s world.

Author Brandon Weber writes, “Tim’s eyes scanned the room. There was a long, glossy, black table running down the center of the room. The sides were lined with chairs, and one big black chair sat at the head of the table. It looked like something the high nobles would have met at to discuss their battle plans. The walls were done in wood, and the flooring was a rich-looking carpet. The overhead lighting was centered over the table and cast a blue tint to the room. Other than that, the room was empty. No pictures on the walls and no papers laying on the desk; the place was clean. Manjonie walked to the head of the table and sat in the chair. As Tim walked in behind him, the doors shut by themselves, making Tim turn to see who had shut them.”