Budget expectation quotes – Women leaders

Women leaders

Saroja Yeramilli, Founder & CEO, Melorra, India’s fastest growing lightweight D2C brand designing affordable and trendy jewellery for everyday wear

The Indian D2C ecosystem has evolved significantly in the recent years. However, the need of the hour is to further expedite market expansion through investor and startup friendly initiatives. It is expected that the e-commerce policy will be implemented keeping the interests of consumers and D2C retail businesses in mind. There is still a lot of work to be done in terms of simplifying investments and taking steps towards boosting investor confidence in the Indian markets. Foreign investors could be offered incentives and benefits to enter the Indian D2C retail. Another key area to focus on is the strengthening of internet infrastructure and e-commerce logistics networks across the country. The growing demand and the vast untapped market can be converted into consumer base by ensuring easy and consistent access. We hope the government will expedite efforts in this direction as a part of the Digital India mission

Yamini Bhat, Co-Founder & CEO, Vymo, a California headquartered leading sales engagement platform to improve sales productivity and engagement effectiveness for financial institutions 

India has witnessed two mega trends over the last few years, both, further amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic. Firstly, the spread of public digital goods and their widespread adoption. Secondly, Indian savings getting more financialized as economy formalizes. Both these megatrends can further roll like a juggernaut with support from the Budget. Financial institutions which are promoting inclusion can be given fiscal incentives and improved funds access. Further, investments in a strong data architecture backed by cutting edge privacy laws are definitely required at this stage. Investments in public digital goods riding the success of UPI will also be critical.

Runam Mehta, CEO, HealthCube, transformative Indian healthtech company designing and manufacturing point-of-care diagnostic devices

The Indian health-tech sector proved its potential to the fullest in 2021 and played a major role in containing the pandemic. India’s dependence on medical device import is one of the reasons behind the lack of adequate technology development and deployment across the country. We hope the government will make sufficient budgetary allocations towards development of new tools and technology and manufacturing of cutting-edge portable diagnostic, remote monitoring and telemedicine equipment. There is also a need for government-private collaboration in development and usage of advanced software-based solutions in rural healthcare delivery and preventive diagnostic services. Investments in the arena should be simplified, and there is an urgent need to incentivize and provide infrastructural support to companies developing the right solutions. Reduction of import duty on critical components required by the device manufacturers is another urgent area of attention. We hope the government takes care of these concerns and backs domestic medical device manufacturers.