Mrs. Varuna Chand, Founder of VPop, a Table Decor Brand

Varuna Chand

Inspiring me eternally are those artistic women who have worked with the most economical materials to festoon their homes and make them more welcoming. With sheer joy and utmost confidence, each displayed their unique style. Such were the instances that instilled in me the passion for home decor and sparked my creativity.

Lately, when the Covid-19 pandemic struck the world, I categorically got the space and time to soul search and rediscover my ambitions, during quarantine. Even after having a 20-year flourishing corporate stint post my master’s degree from the London School of Economics, I was a hesitant and sceptical young entrepreneur when I launched Vpop, but today, I couldn’t be more proud of our journey.

The simple idea of bringing festivity into the confinement of our homes during quarantine was initially what Vpop wanted to explore. Eventually, as I was struggling to find complete sets of table linen and matching items for the house or any kind of dining table set, the idea of an expansive table decor idea for Vpop was visualized.

Born in June 2020, Vpop set out to provide striking yet affordable table decor boxes which accommodate everything from table linen, centrepiece decor, votives, candles and much more. These decor boxes are sure to make a dining table look jaw-dropping and make soirees memorable, without one having to venture out to different stores.

Vpop aims to free you from the hassle of going out to shop or spending hours online, trying to put together an entire set of dining products. Since quarantine has restricted us to our homes, Vpop is the one-stop solution to adding all that sparkle to your celebrities.

These limited edition decor boxes can be mixed and matched with any of your existing cutlery to create an aesthetic table setting. It’s as simple as choosing the box of your choice (4 seaters to 16 seaters) and having it shipped to your doorstep. To your surprise, every box lends itself to various combinations to never bore you of the same arrangement. These items can also be rearranged and used across your home as decor pieces too.

During the quarantine, starting Vpop with the markets being closed and vendors finding it tough to fulfil demands, put forth a lot of obstacles. The delivery timeline was messed up even after a vendor was identified. It has been a roller coaster ride to trust vendors and condition ourselves to video calling for finalizing designs, revising and resending samples to quality checks and ultimate deliveries if and when the state borders opened.

Despite all these difficulties my team and the vendors at Vpop have been able to deliver a variety of designs in 6 months without personally meeting anyone. This made me believe that even a distant work system can be successful.

Receiving the prestigious National Architecture and Interior Design Excellence Award and the “Most Promising Interior Décor Product Brand of the Year 2021” India Award under the “Ecommerce & Creative Products” Category for the year 2021, made me believe that anything is possible. We also recently received the Rights Choice Award – Most Innovative Decor Product of the Year 2021 awarded by Brands Impact.

Through every high and low of this incredible journey, every day is a new experience for me, getting to do what I love the most.