Tridhaatu Realty unveils Green Initiatives at Tridhaatu Morya on World Environment Day

Mumbai, 6th June 2024: Celebrating World Environment Day, Tridhaatu Realty is proud to unveil that their project, Tridhaatu Morya at Chembur is designed with a robust commitment to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. This initiative underscores Tridhaatu Realty’s dedication to creating eco-friendly living spaces that contribute to a healthier planet.

Tridhaatu Morya - Chembur

“We are excited to present Tridhaatu Morya as a benchmark for sustainable living in Mumbai,” said Mr. Govind Krishnan Muthukumar, Co-founder & Director, Tridhaatu Realty. “Our commitment to minimizing environmental impact and maximizing energy efficiency reflects our dedication to the well-being of our residents and the planet. On this World Environment Day, we reaffirm our pledge to continue innovating and integrating green practices in all our future projects,” Mr. Muthukumar added.

Tridhaatu Morya incorporates cutting-edge HVAC systems to significantly reduce energy consumption. The integration of smart technologies, such as programmable thermostats ensures optimal energy usage, providing residents with both comfort and efficiency. The project prominently features renewable energy sources, including solar panels, which contribute to a sustainable energy mix and reduce reliance on non-renewable energy. This commitment to renewable energy not only lowers the carbon footprint of Tridhaatu Morya but also promotes a greener lifestyle for its residents.

Understanding the importance of water conservation, Tridhaatu Morya is equipped with water-saving fixtures, such as low-flow toilets, faucets, and showerheads. Additionally, the implementation of rainwater harvesting systems and greywater recycling further minimizes water usage, making it a model for sustainable water management. The project prioritizes the use of eco-friendly building materials with low embodied energy, including recycled, reclaimed, or sustainably sourced wood, bamboo, and cork. By minimizing construction waste through proper recycling and reuse of materials, and designing for future renovations or demolitions, Tridhaatu Morya promotes a circular economy.

Tridhaatu Realty has carefully selected sites with minimal environmental impact, preserving natural habitats and enhancing biodiversity through landscaping with native plants that require less water and maintenance. This approach not only conserves resources but also supports local ecosystems and biodiversity.

Tridhaatu Morya places a strong emphasis on indoor air quality, employing strategies such as using low-VOC (volatile organic compound) paints and finishes, installing effective ventilation systems, and ensuring proper sealing of building envelopes. These measures enhance occupant health and comfort, making Tridhaatu Morya a desirable place to live. With a focus on innovative design and environmental responsibility, Tridhaatu Realty strives to set new standards in the real estate industry.

Tridhaatu Realty has installed an Organic Waste Converter (OWC) to significantly reduce the burden on the government’s waste removal system, which in turn lowers the space required in dumping yards. The byproduct of the OWC can be utilized as manure for landscaping purposes. Additionally, they have implemented a full-capacity, odourless sewage treatment plant at Tridhaatu Morya, ensuring that no sewage is disposed of into the BMC sewer line. The treated water is repurposed for flushing and gardening, further reducing water demand and promoting water conservation.

With these initiatives, Tridhaatu Realty continues to lead by example in sustainable development, setting new benchmarks for eco-friendly practices in the real estate industry.