What is Buy on Dip Investment Strategy?


There are just a lot of things in the share market that you will have to know about. Every passing day is just another learning day. You might have to hold up to learn new strategies, new methods, and several other factors – here, you can have a great deal to learn what to do during the dip – should you be buying it?

Meaning of Buying the DIP

Buying the dip is a technique employed by investors and traders that entails purchasing or adding to an existing long position in an asset during a period of negative price pressure, with the goal of recovering the price. This method is typically used for fundamentally strong assets that have been sold off owing to greater market sentiment or overreaction.

When asset prices are low, investors “buy the dip” and increase their exposure to that asset in anticipation of higher returns. Disciplined and sensible investors make their decision on extensive study and analysis because the downside risk of purchasing the dip is rather large because the investor is raising their entire position on that particular asset.

How to Buy the Dip?

Investors that use a buy-the-dip approach buy equities only under specified conditions, reserving capital for purchases based on the – today share market.

If a stock price falls amid a long-term increasing trend in the market, some investors may buy the dip. During the recent bull market, many of today’s investors were successful with this method.

Market reversals can be frightening. However, in general, the market will rebound to a new high following a drop. As a result, the buy-the-drip technique works nicely.

In the absence of a bull market environment – investors who expect an upturn and are ready to wait for a future increase in the stock price may buy the dip.

Investors in either situation are reacting to short-term price swings, which is a totally different approach to long-term investing. Buying the drop is a chance to time the market – which can be a dangerous strategy.

To buy the dip, an investor establishes a price decrease threshold and saves money in the interval. A 30% threshold suggests that the investor will only buy if the stock price falls more than 30% from its recent highs.

They buy the share and wait for it to reach a new high before preparing to buy after another 30% drop.

Buying the downturn comes with dangers. If the market continues a strong upward trend, they may not see another 30% drop for some time, possibly several years. When there is a decline, they will buy the stock at a premium above the previous purchase price rather than a discount.

When the technique is successful, the higher the threshold percentage, the more money an investor stands to make. However, if it fails, the consequences might be severe.

How Will You Be Managing Risk When You Buy the Dip?

Risk management is a crucial component of the buy-the-dip strategy. A stock’s price may fall for a good reason, such as a shift in its intrinsic value. Perhaps the corporation had a dismal financial report or was involved in a highly publicized controversy.

Steps to Follow to Be on the Safer Side of Buying the Dip

To avoid going long on a company that will only fall deeper in the future, every investor purchasing the dip should research and examine the fundamentals. If you’re going to pursue a buy-the-dip approach, it’s critical to define risk parameters:

  • Set a proper limit on the value of money that could be left uninvested. A reasonable rule of thumb is to invest not more than 10% of your investable assets. Understand the risks associated with retaining excess cash, such as lost dividends and potential tax repercussions.
  • Maintain your composure in the face of price declines. If the barrier is a 20% drop, resist the temptation to hold out and hope for further reductions.
  • Keep an eye out for longer-term downtrends. A stock is in a downtrend when its price goes on to fall – reaching a lower low with each successive loss. The time has not come to purchase the dip. Buying the dip is a viable approach when stocks are in an uptrend, dropping back but then going up to an even greater high.
  • Know your biases. Understanding the psychological and emotional biases that may influence the investment decisions is essential. Don’t let the thrill of “getting a good deal” overpower objective analysis. Some basic research can help you avoid regrets later on.
  • Make use of a stop loss. This is the predetermined price at which a position needs to be sold. Assume the price of a stock falls from 20 to 16. At 14, the investor will close the investment in order to limit his or her loss if the price continues to decrease.

Will Buying the Dip Suit You?

The main advantage of buying the drop is that it lowers the average cost of shares over time. However, there are numerous reasons to shun this method. For starters, it’s a sort of marketing timing, and academic study in finance has shown that correctly timing the market is nearly difficult. Attempting to forecast a decrease, much alone the extent of a fall, is extremely difficult.

If you keep a lot of cash in hand, you risk missing out on prospective dividend payments that may be reinvested. Dividend reinvestment has the potential to boost returns. Finally, unless you’ve done some research and understood the company’s underlying fundamentals, you could easily purchase a stock that is decreasing for a legitimate reason.

Disciplined long-term investment based on a financial plan that considers your risk tolerance and returns targets is significantly less dangerous than buying the dip – and it is more likely to reach your return objectives.


What you do when the stock market is facing its negative turns or downs is entirely in your hands, and that is exactly why you need to be sure of where and how you handle things. This is one of the best strategies (only when your financial goals and risk profile match it.)

About Neel Achary 19718 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.