New Delhi: In an effort to spread positivity and cheer for the forthcoming year, schools across the country operated and managed by Ampersand Group celebrated the ‘New Beginnings for 2021. Hubble Adarsh Senior Secondary Schools from Punjab, Balwadis of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai and Ministry of Women & Child Development-run Anganwadis took part in welcoming the New Year through various activities.
Teachers and students across schools were encouraged to share and post messages online by tagging #NewBeginnings and #MyEducationMyPath to usher the New Year with zeal and to share innovative ideas to compliment blended learning in the coming year.
The students and teachers shared videos, photos, write-ups on #MyWishForTheWorld along with home experiments they learned during lockdown and innovative methods of learning. In addition, students were encouraged to share their thoughts on topics like positives from 2020, benefits on online learning and how it helped in maintaining continuity of education, learnings from Covid-19 and on precautions they would take on the resumption of schools.
At least 10 winning students will be felicitated by Mr. Rustom Kerawalla, Chairman, Ampersand Group and Mr. Vinesh Menon, Chief Executive Officer, Education, Skilling & Consulting Services, Ampersand Group for their innovative ideas for learning. All these schools have been participating in various activities during the COVID-19 pandemic when educational institutions switched to online learning owing to the lockdown across India.
Ampersand Group conducted online activities like celebrating Teacher’s Day and Children’s Day during the pandemic to make learning educational and fun while trained teachers through online mechanisms from Jammu & Kashmir to Tamil Nadu ensuring upskilling during the lockdown.
Mr. Vinesh Menon, Chief Executive Officer – Education, Skilling & Consulting Services, Ampersand Group said, “The journey into the new Year 2021 from 2020 has a special significance especially due to the multitude of challenges that we faced in the year gone by. The young minds of children who are the founding pillars of the nation and ambassadors of the future have been affected the most. We are keen to usher in the spirit of a new beginning in the Year 2021 by applauding our children for being so resilient and cooperating and adapting to the new way of distance learning and readying themselves for digital inclusion. Their spirit and eagerness in maintaining continuity in education has to be hailed as one of the defining moments in Year 2021 and as a tribute to this spirit, a series of creative initiatives have been introduced to help children spread the message of hope and positivity. Sincere appreciation to all teachers and parents who have stood by us during these times and upholding the values that bind us as we step into the New Year with New Beginnings.”
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5T_JHPR3k-w&feature=youtu.be