Decatur, IL, August 31, 2023– Linda Taylor, who is from Decatur, Illinois, has completed her new book, “Jase’s Story: My Life Being Autistic”: an impactful work that educates readers about life with autism.
Author Linda Taylor is a graduate of Wayland Baptist University and the University of Phoenix. She is the founder/CEO, of Little Girls with Dreams Become Women with Visions (501(c)(3))—a nonprofit organization that advocates ensuring her local school districts’ kids in the K12 Individualized Education Programs (IEP) receive equal academic and socioemotional support to thrive and learn.
Her mission is to help the betterment of our community by promoting book sales and fundraising events to have the appropriate resources for kids struggling with emotional disorders and mental illness associated with autism, ADHD, depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, bullying, and Suicide Prevention.