MDI Gurgaon Welcomes PGP (2021-2023) Batch

MDI Gurgaon

New Delhi, July 27th, 2021: MDI Gurgaon, a premier B-school in India, has greeted a new batch of students for its Post Graduate Programmes (PGP). Though it was online, the induction ceremony was conducted with Guests of honor joining from India; UAE & London. The batch comprised students belonging to Post Graduate Programmes namely 28th Batch of Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), 18th Batch of PGDM – Human Resource Management (PGDM-HRM), and 16th Batch of PGDM – International Business (PGDM-IB-MiM).

The institute is prepped to begin its virtual academic session for the new Batches from 02 August 2021. This new batch is a heady mix of young aspirants from diverse educational backgrounds and includes both fresher’s as well as working professionals.

Delivering the welcome address to the incoming students, Prof. (Dr.) Jyotsna Bhatnagar, Dean – Graduate Programmes & Student Affairs; Chairperson – PGDM-HRM, MDI Gurgaon highlighted the unforgettable and learning-oriented journey students will experience at MDI. “The institute upholds an exemplified approach to holistic education and believes not only in enhancing the growth of students on the academic parameters but also help them develop a 360-degree perspective. Self-management, empathy and digital capabilities are required in contemporary times. MDI aims to nurture the latent talent of an individual to make them industry ready, aligning with true sportsman spirit of the Olympic theme, Faster, Higher, Stronger, Together”.

Prof. (Dr.) Rajesh Chakrabarti, Director, MDI Gurgaon said, “Management education like other disciplines is not a single discipline, it’s a collection of various disciplines. So all the learning you will experience will be interdisciplinary. Regardless of your academic background you will find something new. There will be a genius who will probably the first time, be exposed to psychology then be psychologists, who will be exposed to operations management. The other thing to keep in mind is not all of your learning in the next two years is going to happen in the classroom, the classroom is fundamental to what you’re going to experience in the next two years. A business degree is also about teaching a trade at the end of the day. We spend two years, not to cram academic knowledge into your minds, but to prepare you for challenges that come after you step out of India. Emphasis on optimism, digital capability, experiential learning is needed the most”.

To provide further nuggets of wisdom to the prospective management students, Mr. Anuj Kadyan, Partner – McKinsey & Company said, “No matter which path you choose for yourself find a purpose for yourself. Do not lose the opportunity to make a choice and choose your own course. Meet new people explore new topics, raise your hand to participate and to lead. Take the opportunity to push your boundaries and to strengthen your leadership skills. These two years will provide you with fantastic opportunities to build that muscle. Shift can only be learned by practice so when the right opportunity presents itself don’t hold yourself back trust your instincts and take the lead. You will be surrounded by accomplished fun and a very diverse class make the time to get to know them learn about their journey their experiences their aspirations. You will create a diverse network, but make sure to value the diversity of perspective. Focus more on the learning and the growth”.

Keeping the momentum of the occasion, Mr. Prashant Saran, Chief Operating Officer, Amazon Mena, UAE said, it’s an honor and a privilege, I always look forward to interacting with students, it gives me a shot of energy and rejuvenation. It is important for each one of you to discover some guiding principles or beliefs, that will guide you. So just keep on exploring trying to define the vision and be stubborn on that vision, but be flexible on details it’s definitely the beginning of the rest of your life. The most valuable takeaway from an MBA is the network that we will build the network of your peers your teachers your seniors your industry contacts. It is all about people and I would encourage you to seek people experiences that help you build your network which help you to go through those share experiences that you can cherish for life”.

Emphasizing on the importance of lifelong learning, Mr. Naresh Sethi, Chairman, VST Industries, London said, “This is the new playing field unsure not clear. And the rules are uncertain not yet written, how do you succeed. Focus on enriching your entire self. Do not define yourself with your job. You have not been placed on this planet, to increase the profits of big corporations try to become a successful human being, I think you’ll make some optimal choices and ultimately less happy choices. Technical skills are no longer important, it’s about your people skills it’s about leadership it’s about envisioning. Develop a mindset to train yourself, so that you make this beautiful transition from lower to middle management and then go on to become leaders of industry. Curiosity has no subject boundaries and this is the single biggest attribute that we use for CEOs. Progress comes not from blind followership but sincere humble inquisitiveness. Develop mentors and give back to them when they guide. Be playful in life”.

The inauguration came to an end with the last session delivered by Mr. Gautam Gode, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Samara Capital. While sharing his experiences with the batch he said, “There are many valuable things you can take out of these two years and we really need to. Super talented super bright people help you get better and become a better leader. These two years will be the at stepping stone to upward mobility in your careers. You’re not here to just to learn a technical skill you’re here to learn something much beyond that and you may not realize it today, but you will surely come to realize it when you get going with your career”.

The virtual induction ceremony is a 6-day programme, which has engaging sessions by industry experts and faculty of MDI Gurgaon. The ceremony provided a glimpse of the exciting and inspiring academic journey the students will take in the years ahead from the stalwarts of the industry.

About Neel Achary 19718 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.