Medica Superspecialty Hospital celebrates life-changing transformations on World Plastic Surgery Day

Mumbai, 16th July’24: Imagine a fractured arm of a 6-year-old girl’s parents being told that she must undergo amputation of her arm after an accident, or a person who was advised to be on liquid diet and a breathing tube for life, what would be the mental state of the patient or the family members? For those who suffered terrible traumas, the necessity of plastic and reconstructive surgeries assists them regain their independence and functionality just like any other abled person. Addressing the rehabilitative impact of reconstructive surgeries, on World Plastic Surgery Day, Medica Superspecialty Hospital, celebrated by highlighting the incredible journeys of eight individuals who had undergone remarkable transformations through successful plastic and reconstructive surgeries changing their course of lives. The program’s chief guest was Dr. Arun Ganguly, a renowned plastic and reconstructive surgeon along with Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Agarwal, Consultant Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and Dr. Cinjini Das, Consultant in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Medica Superspecialty Hospital.

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The importance of plastic surgery is growing every day. The advancements in technology in plastic surgery have made the procedures safer and results more natural. Even though the procedure of rehabilitative surgeries – that includes plastic and reconstructive surgeries – is no longer about just transforming the face of a person or the way he or she looks, but it is about rebuilding a person’s hope, confidence, and spirit. India ranked fourth globally in the ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) study, with 935,487 cosmetic procedures carried out in 2023. Reintegrating victims back into society and allowing them to resume their livelihoods is one the main advantage of plastic surgery.

Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Agarwal, shared, “Plastic surgery as a stream cannot be confined to one specific organ system. Our specialty solves problems with all other medical specialties like trauma, cancer, etc. RTA (Road Traffic Accident) cases and machinery injuries are rising. The affected are usually the youth, the most productive people in our society. Bringing them back to the mainstream is the responsibility we collectively share as surgeons. Cancer is probably the deadliest disease in the world. Removal of these tumours in the head and neck leads to a major defect that is incompatible with human existence. The face looks unsightly. The patient cannot eat, breathe or talk without reconstruction which requires plastic surgery expertise. Repairing, reconstructing, and rejuvenating is the mantra of plastic surgery. The sole objective of plastic surgery is to help the person come back, face the society and lead a meaningful life.”

Dr. Cinjini Das, expressed, “It is a pleasure to share with you the impact of plastic and reconstructive surgeries through the stories of these incredible patients. They are the real fighters with a positive outlook towards life. Their courage and strength inspire us every day to face new challenges. Our role is not only confined to the operating room but also understanding the fears of the patients, addressing their needs with compassion, and guiding them through their transformation with firm support. The surgeries that were showcased today highlight the superior technical skill required and lays further importance to the personalized care that each patient receives at Medica.”

53-year-old Mr. Md. Idrish shared his story and revealed, “I had a hard swelling in my left arm since 1987, which was identified as a bone cyst. Surgery and radiation could not cure it instead, it returned with an unpleasant discharge. Many experts indicated amputation due to osteomyelitis (inflammation or swelling in the bone) after an unsuccessful operation at a prominent Southern hospital, where instead of my wound healing it started discharging fluid and bone fragments. When I came to Medica Superspecialty Hospital, the doctors offered me the opportunity to get my limb salvaged. They undertook a surgical procedure on 16th April’24. Now, my arm has fully recovered three months after the surgery, and I am getting back to my regular schedule. I will be forever grateful to this hospital for giving me this life”.

Father of Ms. Nahida Parvin, a 6-year-old girl, shared her story during the session. He said, “A year ago, while playing, my daughter fractured her right arm. Despite a plaster, it did not heal after three months. While we consulted at a local hospital, she was diagnosed with a cancerous bone condition and the doctors advised that she should undergo a four-quarter amputation. After multiple referrals and a few chemo cycles, we brought her to Medica Superspecialty Hospital. Here, the doctors performed a complex surgery, removing her entire arm and reconstructing it using her left fibula, including the growth plate. Three weeks post-surgery, her reconstructed arm is healing well, and we are waiting to complete the chemo sessions. Doctors are actually God sent and as a family we will forever be indebted to the doctors and the hospital staff at Medica for their immense support.”

Mr. Premendra Nath Kundu, shared, “In 2021, I discovered a persistent ulcer on my gingiva (gum). Despite multiple consultations, it did not heal. At a renowned cancer centre, I was advised to have my entire lower jaw removed, with the expectation of being on a liquid diet and a breathing tube for life. In December 2022, I came to Medica Superspecialty Hospital, where the team performed the surgery to remove the tumour and reconstruct my lower jaw using my leg bone (fibula). Now, I am back to my normal life, enjoying my daily meals just as before. The expertise and care at Medica have restored my quality of life, and I am deeply grateful to the dedicated team for giving me this remarkable second chance.”