Nikita Deshpande’s guide on how to develop a signature beauty/skincare product that sells itself

skincare expert and Co- founder Nikita Deshpande
Skincare expert and Co- founder Nikita Deshpande

Here’s a little inside tip from the beauty world you need to paste in your mind, your customers don’t require your products, they desire that radiant-face glow from within without any severe efforts. Nikita Deshpande, the founder of Ilana- a natural, non-toxic and unadulterated beauty brand, believes that in this billion-dollar industry, the competition is just about to get fierce and we need to step up our product game for survival. Let’s dive into the how’s and the whats. Assembling a skincare product requires a more involved and focused process, investing a considerable amount of time into researching the basic a-b-c’s like the chemistry, labeling law, sustainability aspect and working with a manufacturer is essential. Investing a fair amount is necessary to kick start the business. It is also possible to start on a meager budget if you are efficient and passionate enough, just as Nikita who first began experimenting with DIY skincare concoctions within the confines of her kitchen. This developed into a small business manufacturing batch of skincare products and later turned into a sustainable venture

Understand your niche and treat them equally as stakeholders in the production process. There is a huge shift in how GenZ are spending their money, as they prefer innovation over labels. Become a skincare expert and keep up with the product trends such as introducing hybrid products, clean and ethical beauty and inclusive beauty in your product line. Decide what you stand for even before creating the product and grow your audience organically. And lastly, test, test and test. Testing at every stage of production is important, hence turning towards trusted veteran labs for efficient results would give a boost to your skincare product line.

About ilana: Co-founded by Nikita Deshpande and Amit Patil in 2018, ilana’s vision is about empowering you with skincare that works with your imperfections helping you discover your real and authentic self.