Sipping Smart: How to Store Beverages at Home Properly

How to Store Beverages at Home Properly

Having a well-stocked selection of beverages at home is a lifestyle choice that offers convenience, practicality and enjoyment. After all, a ready supply of drinks ensures you’re prepared for impromptu gatherings, unexpected guests, or a cosy night in.

When you order beverages online and have an assortment of drinks at home, you can cater to various moods, tastes, and occasions. It also eliminates the need for last-minute trips to the store, allowing you to save time and money.

Whether it’s a quiet evening or a lively get-together, having a stock of beverages at home goes a long way in experiencing comfort and providing hospitality.

A Guide for Stocking Beverages at Home

Properly storing beverages at home is essential for preserving their flavour and quality. Organised storage also ensures you’re ready for any occasion and unexpected guests.

Below are the best tips for storing beverages at home:

1. Use the refrigerator.

The refrigerator should be your go-to storage place for nearly all types of drinks. It keeps beverages cold while preventing insipidity (loss of flavour) and flatness.

The fridge also prevents opened drinks from spoiling and being contaminated by bacteria or mould.

Sodas and bottled, canned teas, coffee, and water also taste better when cold. As such, they are best stored in the fridge.

2. Keep your beverages away from sunlight.

Some beverages do not require refrigeration, particularly when unopened, and can be stored in your pantry or cellar. These include canned or bottled sodas and bags or boxes of tea and coffee.

If you want to store these drinks in your kitchen, pantry or cellar, make sure they are not exposed to direct sunlight and heat from the stove or appliances.

Heat can change the quality and taste of your beverages. Because of this, avoid storing them next to or across windows, even if they have window treatments, where they can be exposed to sunlight.

Avoid storing beverages near the stove, indoor grill, lamps and other appliances that give off heat as well.

3. Store your beverages out of young kids’ and pets’ reach.

Whether you’re storing plastic or glass bottles or canned or boxed drinks, make sure you keep them in places where your young children and pets cannot access them.

Young kids and pets may knock over bottles, boxes and other containers, spilling them and making a mess. Aside from getting your kitchen or pantry dirty, they may also get hurt by the glass and bottle shards.

It is best to store these products on high shelves and cabinets with secure locks that your little ones and furry friends can’t reach and access. 

4. Always store opened milk cartons or bottles in the refrigerator.

The ideal temperature for milk is around 35-40°F (1-4°C), which means it should be stored in the fridge once it is open. Additionally, ensure your refrigerator maintains this range to prevent fluctuations that can lead to spoilage.

Remember to store milk in its original container since it is designed to protect it from light and air. If you want to transfer it to another container, make sure it’s clean and airtight.

The best place to store milk is at the back of the fridge, on the shelf near the middle or bottom, where it is cooler. Avoid placing it near the front or door of your refrigerator. Also, don’t store it in the freezer because this causes ice crystals that affect both taste and texture.

Make sure you always seal the milk container tightly to protect it from odours that can permeate from the other food in your refrigerator.

5. Keep coffee and tea in a cool, dark and dry place.

When storing ground coffee, keep it in an airtight container away from light and moisture and store it in a cool, dark cupboard to maintain freshness. If you’re stocking teabags, preserve their delicate aromas by transferring them to a sealed container and placing them in a cool, dark and dry place.

Invest in a few opaque canisters for both coffee and tea bags to protect them from light. Make sure you arrange these products neatly in your pantry or cupboard for easy access.

If you’re storing homemade iced tea and coffee, cool them to room temperature before putting them in the refrigerator. Hot beverages in the fridge can raise its temperature, which can affect the other stored items.

Also, store leftover iced tea and coffee in airtight containers to prevent them from absorbing odours and losing flavour and consume them within a few days to enjoy them.

6. Invest in good-quality glass containers.

If you need to transfer store-bought and homemade drinks, use only good-quality airtight glass containers.

Plastic containers can leach chemicals into your drinks, affecting their quality and taste, which is why glass options are better and healthier. BPA-free and stainless-steel bottles are also safe choices since they do not contain unhealthy substances that can get into the beverage.

Before transferring your beverages, wash and clean the containers thoroughly to ensure they are free from contaminants.

By following these tips for storing beverages, you can ensure your drinks remain fresh, flavourful, and safe for consumption. You can also reduce waste and save money in the long run.

About Neel Achary 19718 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.