Vice President, Shri Venkaiah Naidu to address at the Valedictory Function Camba, a project of Saksham on National Eye Donation Fortnight-2020 on 8th September Virtually on Facebook, Instagram on other social media platforms of sakshamseva.org. It will be held from 4.45 pm to 6 pm. It is an initiative of CAMBA. CAMBA is a project of SAKSHAM.
This idea behind this function is to Make NETRADAAN a movement as strong as Pulse Polio. 80 lakh people die every year yet just 30,000 donate eyes, which is less than 1%
Rest of the eyes are either buried or burnt. If all those who die donate eyes, we can eradicate blindness from this country in just 5 years.
CAMBA’ stands for Cornea Andhatv Mukta Bharat Abhiyan (in Hindi). It means Corneal Blindness Free Bharat Movement (in English).
“Cornea Andhatv Mukt Bharat Abhiyan (CAMBA)” is a pan India movement of Saksham to bring down the incidence of Corneal Blindness in India and to motivate millions of Indians to pledge their eyes for this noble cause. Samadrishti, Kshamata Vikas Evam Anusandhan Mandal (SAKSHAM) is a charitable national organization with a major presence in Hyderabad.
CAMBA is a National Movement ignited by SAKSHAM, appeals to all the Ophthalmologists, Doctors Fraternity, Post Graduates, Medical Graduates, Eye Hospitals and all the Volunteers and People associated with eye care to join this momentous occasion and make NETRADAAN a movement as strong as Pulse Polio.
Every year more than 80 lakh people die in India but only 30 thousand people donate. That is less than 1%. We need at least 2 lakh pairs of the cornea to be donated every year to make Bharat Cornea blindness free in the next 5 years. Please join us to build New India as His Excellency, Honourable Vice President of India; Shri Venkaiah Naidu Ji joins the 35th National Eye Donation Fortnight Celebrations. Let’s make India Corneal Blindness Free Donate Eyes, Live Twice.
What CAMBA does is the prevention of Corneal Blindness, Creates Awareness on Eye Donation. It educates government machinery about the gravity of the problem. It maintains a registry of Corneal Recipients; It encourages Eye Banks and Eye Collection Centres. It networks with good hearts.
Giving Light to the dark is god’s mission said, Dr. Abdul Kalam.