Marengo Asia Hospitals Gurugram Performs Pioneering Lumbar Disc Replacement for African Patient


Gurugram: Marengo Asia Hospitals Gurugram conducted a rare and unusual spine surgery to replace the lumbar disc of an international patient from Nigeria, Africa. *This is the first time such a surgical procedure has been conducted in the city of Gurgaon. Dr Rajesh Kumar Verma, Director Orthopaedics, Joint Replacement & Spine Surgery, Marengo Asia Hospitals Gurugram*, led the surgical procedure.

The patient, *Mr. Bello, a 28-year-old Nigerian national* who had been suffering from severe lower back and leg pain due to L5-S1 disc degeneration for many years, travelled to Gurgaon to get his disc not fixed but replaced. He had sought multiple opinions abroad and in India, most suggesting L5-S1 fusion. The L5- S1 refers to specific vertebrae in the spine, spanning from the end of lumbar to the sacral region.

When the patient consulted Marengo Asia Hospitals Gurugram, he was found to be a perfect candidate for Lumbar Disc Replacement as both he and Dr Verma wanted to avoid fusion as he is young. Lumbar spine fusion surgery in young patients increases stiffness in the back and chances of revision surgery in the future. As the first spine surgeon in Gurgaon to perform this procedure, the doctor and his team aimed to restore his mobility and relieve his pain without increasing any future chances of revision spine surgery.

The Lumbar Disc deployed for replacement is a Swiss , state-of-the art scientifically designed implant to mimic the natural movement of the spine, providing a durable and flexible solution for degenerative disc disease. The surgery was successful, and the-patient experienced a complete resolution of pain and full restoration of his flexibility *the next day of the procedure*. His recovery was swift, and he returned to his daily routine with renewed energy and vitality.

Lumbar disc replacement is a revolutionary surgical procedure designed to treat chronic lower back pain caused by degenerative disc disease (DDD). Unlike traditional spinal fusion surgery, which involves fusing two vertebrae, lumbar disc replacement preserves motion at the affected spinal segment, offering patients an alternative that reduce pain and maintain mobility. Lumbar disc replacement involves an anterior approach through an incision around the belly button and the placement of two titanium plates with a high-quality mobile plastic component in between two plates. By preserving motion, lumbar disc replacement reduces the likelihood of adjacent segment degeneration, a common issue with spinal fusion, where the discs above or below the fused segment experience accelerated wear and tear. Apart from mobility preservation, lumbar disc replacement is superior to fusion and any kind of surgery done from the back side, in terms of preservation of back muscles, as the skin incision is in the front and does not involve any kind of damage to healthy bone, facet joint, ligaments, and muscles of the back.

Not all patients are suitable candidates for lumbar disc replacement. This procedure is typically recommended for younger patients up to 55 years old with one to three levels of disc degeneration. Patients with significant spinal instability, facet joint degeneration, deformity, osteoporosis, and any previous major abdominal surgery are not candidates for disc replacement. Lumbar disc replacement represents a significant advancement in the treatment of degenerative disc disease, offering patients a promising alternative to spinal fusion. By preserving motion and reducing the risk of adjacent segment degeneration, this procedure has the potential to improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from chronic lower back pain. As with any medical treatment, patients need to consult with a qualified spine specialist to determine the best course of action for their specific condition.

Lumbar disc replacement surgery is a more effective and reliable procedure than spinal fusion surgery, with a success rate of over 90%. Lumbar disc replacement once done typically lasts for ever, unlike hip and knee joint replacement which has a life of 20-25 years Some possible risks include bleeding and infection of the artificial disc and area around it . Research reveals that the number of patients undergoing cervical total disc replacement surgery in India has increased by 15–20% annually over the last five years, but lumbar disc replacement is being done at very few centres in India .India is considered a medical hub for patients seeking affordable, accessible, and efficient total disc replacement surgery.