New Year Celebration in Old Age Home by Watts Group

Watts Group 1

New Year is a way of flaring bliss and a new glare of sunshine. It’s a remarkable time to let go of past matters and welcome new opportunities with zeal and gratitude. While many people spend their new year in parties, restaurants, clubs, with friends and family, the Watts group had distinct but unique plans. The team of Watts Group decided to commemorate New Year with people who have no families. Specifically, with the elders of Old age home.

Watts Family went to an old age home named Kartar Aasra in Sector 1, Chandigarh. Around 20 elders were present in that old age home. Even if it was a new year, there was no sense of celebration until the team arrived to unveil the cover of happiness. They brought various sweets, warm clothes like sweaters for the elders. The smiles of those faces are worth more than any of the parties they could have gone to.

Watts Group

In a talk, Ritesh Watts, who is the president of Watts group, said that “We, as a team, believe that it is the blessings of our family and elders that we all have gained success in this venture.” He also added that “We went to Kartar Aasra to collect more blessings from the elders who are residing there. They were so happy to see us and regarded us as their sons and daughters.” Moreover, Watts group’s new year resolution is to disseminate happiness among more people by visiting more orphanages, old age homes, etc.

About Neel Achary 19718 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.