SIAM celebrates 6th United Nation’s Global Road Safety Week

SIAM celebrates 6th United Nation's Global Road Safety Week

New Delhi: Honouring its mission to spread awareness around road safety and commemorate the United Nation’s 6th Global Road Safety Week, Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) Celebrated this biennial event held during 17th – 23rd May 2021 with lectures and discussions on road safety and with an objective to educate students about safety standards and protocols related to vehicular mobility. Centred on the theme Streets for Life #Love30, in association with Delhi Traffic Police, SIAM reached out to more than 2000 students participating from 25 schools in Delhi-NCR and organized a week-long programme focusing on the theme, Streets for Life. Multiple contests and engagement activities were also conducted on virtual platforms.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Prashant K Banerjee, Executive Director, SIAM urged people to be mindful of risk associated with speed and ensure our streets become accessible and safer for all. As per WHO report, low-speed streets save lives as a 5% cut in average vehicle speed can result in significant decrease in fatal crashes.

Over the last two decades, SIAM, in close association with Delhi Police, and many other stakeholders have consistently been undertaking multiple initiatives, as well as, creating awareness on road safety. Even during these unprecedented times, police & traffic workers are on the field performing their duties diligently, across the nation. As a mark of respect to their contribution in keeping the wheels of economy moving, SIAM would like to urge every road user to follow road safety rules and regulations and help in building safer roads for everyone. SIAM strongly believes that the collaborative efforts of all citizens in making the roads safer would help build the Nation, Responsibly.