IIT Kanpur and TalentSprint Announce Partnership for Development of Cyber Security Experts to Combat Cyber Threats

IIT Kanpur and TalentSprint Announce Partnership for Development of Cyber Security Experts to Combat Cyber Threats

The Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IIT Kanpur) has announced an Advanced Certification Program in Cyber Security and Cyber Defense in partnership with TalentSprint. The program is designed for current and aspiring professionals who are keen to explore […]

IIT kanpur Alumni

16th Edition of Startup Masterclass – IIT Kanpur Alumni

Startup Master Class ( SMC ), the flagship entrepreneur event of Alumni Association IIT Kanpur, is organized along-with IITK Incubation centre, E Cell and other participating IIT’s and IIMs. Fostering and nurturing budding entrepreneurs, it brings together start-ups, […]