San Francisco, CA: Millionaire Speed Dating – “America’s first-ever Millionaire Online Speed Dating Party takes place on Friday May 8, 2020, 7:30-9:30pm,” says Rich Gosse, Chairman of The Society of Single Professionals.
“Wealthy singles of all ages are invited to meet new friends safely during the pandemic, using Zoom Technology. Adults of all ages are welcome.”
“Everyone thinks the wealthy have it easy finding love,” says Mr. Gosse. “Nothing could be further from the truth. The 1% live in constant fear that their money will attract gold diggers, seeking to enrich themselves. Our Millionaire Speed Dating is an opportunity for the wealthy to comfortably meet people on their own level, so they can feel more confident that the attraction is romantic rather than financial.”
“This event is a fundraiser for The Seva Foundation, www.seva.org, to restore sight to the blind,” says Mr. Gosse. “Every $50 raised finances an eye surgery in one of the poor countries of the world.”
“Rich Gosse, Co-Producer of this event, is America’s foremost authority on the singles lifestyle,” says Tom Andrews. “He is the author of nine books on the subject, including “You CAN Hurry Love,” “Singles Guide to America,” and “A Good Man Is EASY to Find” (“This is a great book!” -Oprah Winfrey). His expert advice has been featured by ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, Oprah, Fox, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, The Wall Street Journal, Time, Newsweek, Cosmopolitan, Entrepreneur, Business Week, Playboy, Playgirl, The London Times, The Australian, The New Zealand Herald, etc.