Mumbai, 08 September 2022: Lighthouse Learning, India’s premium education company, released a heartfelt short film titled – Thank You “Lady Gabbar” on their social media platforms on the occasion of Teachers’ Day. The short film is an ode to all the teachers who play a significant role in inculcating the right values and skills in every student and ensuring that every student attains their true potential in life.
The film titled – Thank You “Lady Gabbar” narrates the story of a young man in his early 30s who has won an award – “Creative Director of the Year”. His teacher sends him a message to congratulate him, but Ankit does not recognize his teacher’s name, as they have always called and remembered her as ‘Lady Gabbar’. She feels proud and elated looking at him achieving a big award. Ankit as a child was notorious, but at the same time, he had good handwriting and was very good at drawing. And this was one thing that, Mrs. Pragya Joshi (his teacher) always praised him in class for. The film goes on to send out a strong message that whatever you have named your teacher, it’s time to call them and say thank you for making you who you are.
Prajodh Rajan, Group CEO & Co-Founder of Lighthouse Learning said, “We at Lighthouse Learning were thrilled and excited to create the #ThankYouTeacher campaign as an initiative to appreciate our teachers for their immense efforts in delivering quality education and helping the children know their capabilities. With schools reopening and everything slowly getting back to normal, teachers have evolved and continue to deliver uninterrupted learning. This film was developed to thank all the teachers who have guided us in our career paths and helped us become good human beings. We have the utmost gratitude for all those lessons that have helped shape us into who we are today!”