DBS Bank India Limited revises fixed deposit rates upwards

 DBS Bank India Limited today announced the revision of Fixed Deposit (FD) rates offered by the bank. The upward revision of FD rates range from 10 bps to 50 bps across tenors. In addition, senior citizens will receive 50 bps over and above the new rates for deposits over 6 months.

Please find below the FD rates :

Domestic/NRO FD Rate (<2 Cr)


Tenor Present Rate Proposed Rate  Change
7 days 4% 4.50% 50 bps
 1Y to 375D  5.10% 5.30% 20 bps
 376D to 540D  5.30% 5.50% 20 bps
 541D  < 2Y  5.30% 5.50% 20 bps
 2Y  < 2Y6M   5.50% 5.60% 10 bps
 2Y6M  5.50% 5.80% 30 bps
2Y6M1D < 3Y  5.50% 5.80% 30 bps
 3Y  < 4Y   5.65% 6.00% 35 bps
 4Y  < 5Y   5.65% 6.00% 35 bps
 >= 5Y   5.75% 6.00% 25 bps