iMARS Communications has won the tender on communication support of two Russian universities in international media. Agency will provide informational support of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics and Samara University. iMARS will develop new brands of universities.
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics was founded in 1907. During more than 110-year period, the university has always been closely connected with national economy. Recruitment of highly qualified teaching staff, development and implementation of innovative educational programs, including double and triple diploma programs with leading foreign universities, and use of modern educational technologies provide training of highly qualified specialists demanded by the professional community in Russia and the world. Currently, Plekhanov University of Economics provides higher education in Moscow campus and 22 branches located all over the Russian Federation and abroad.
Samara National Research University (Samara University) is one of the leading Russian universities, highly-regarded not only in Russia but abroad. Itwasfoundedin1942. Nowadays Samara University trains specialists in rocket and space engineering, aviation, radio electronics, metallurgy, the automotive industry, the information-and-communication industry, and other fields. Its student body includes students from Russia, other CIS countries, countries of Western Europe, South America, China, Southeast Asia and Africa. Every student here can find a major for him- or herself and is on his way to a prestigious degree. University graduates are awarded state diplomas as specialists, bachelors and masters. The university is among the country’s leading federal and regional innovative education institutions.