Ridge Valley School, Gurugram, showcased its Annual production, ‘Chanakya Chants’. This year’s theme focussed on nurturing the emotional intelligence of the children, through the ancient wisdom of our ancestors. It was an attempt to equip the children with knowledge that will help them thrive in the modern world, by connecting them to their heritage and rich past.
While the world celebrates 150 years of Gandhi, Ridge Valley School made an effort to decipher his teachings of ‘Nayi Taaleem’, and apply it to the current scenario. Through the production, the school aimed at a holistic development of children on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.
Keeping the principles of ‘Chanakya Neeti’ and ‘Nayi Taaleem’ in mind, Archana Sagar the School Principal stated that ,” The School by deepening a sense of wonder, reverence, creativity, fidelity, communication, openness and benevolence towards each other and to the whole world, seeks to work for the transformation of the complete person.” This reverberates with the mission of the school- ‘Nurturing Excellence’.
As Ridge Valley School embarks into its 10th year of existence, it also pledged to make an impact and help the world achieve its sustainable development goals. The same was beautifully showcased through an art exhibition where the exhibits represented a ‘celebration of life’. The program began with welcoming of the Chief Guest, Ms. Meeta Singh, IRS Commissioner, Chairman Maj.Gen KVS Lalotra , School Manager Mr.P K Joseph and other dignitaries. The school’s odyssey of the past year was shared with the audience, which was followed by felicitating the student achievers and staff members for their contribution to the school.
The orchestra, ‘Concordia’, paid tribute to the iconic singer Michael Jackson. Children from across the grades presented various dances with aplomb, which echoed various elements of Chanakya’s teachings. The audience was left mesmerized with the spectacular performances. Collaboration, teamwork, persistence, and perseverance of students and staff made the event a grand success.