Sea Crow Press Releases New Poetry Book: “Shaking The Persimmon Tree” by Marc Woodward

In his new collection, Marc Woodward writes of time spent in Italy, India, and elsewhere, as well as drawing from the rural environment of his home in Devon, England. These are beautifully crafted, melodic poems which lightly carry their intrinsic darkness. Whilst there are poems about cancer, Covid, and loss, these are balanced by poems about love and nature, and often the author’s sense of humour shines through, even if at times it’s just a glimmer through the back door of a morgue!

Marc Woodward’s poetry, “links the personal and the countryside by providing both background and emotional intensity. Despite his non-urban base he has a wide range of subjects in his work going from the English countryside to Italy, Switzerland, the Ganges, and many places elsewhere. To read his poetry is to go from images to ideas to images seamlessly.” — Patricia Oxley, founder and editor of Acumen Literary Journal

ISBN: 9798985008005
Publisher: Sea Crow Press
Format: Paperback
Publication Date: 1/17/2022
Page Count: 80
Distribution: Ingram, 40% Discount, Returnable
Category: Poetry | Subjects & Themes | Places
Language: English
Dimensions: 0.19(h) x 5″(w) x 8″(d)