India’s leading consumer electrical and electronics brand, V-Guard is welcoming the spirit of Durga Puja along with millions of Indians with a unique and one of its kind installation. Adding much to the festive excitement, the brand has created a massive Durga Maa installation crafted out of V-Guard’s long-lasting wires. The 500 kg edifice contains 290 coils of wires that can be stretched up to 26 km. The colossal installation was the output of the finesse of 25 of West Bengal’s finest artists who toiled for close to a month to give it a final shape. This 16 ft gigantic installation, which is erected in Deshapriya Park Puja Pandal in Kolkata, is a tribute from V-Guard to the people of West Bengal.
V-Guard has also created a track that encourages people to celebrate the excitement of the festival and spread happiness by dancing to the tune of joy, belt out the drumbeats of hope, and usher at the beginning of a new tomorrow. The musical feast has been developed in collaboration with Alive India and its band Aurko.
Speaking about the initiative, Mr. Nandagopal Nair, VP & Head – Brand & Communications, V-Guard Industries Ltd. said, “At V-Guard, it has been our constant endeavour to empower our consumers to bring home a better tomorrow. This year, as we celebrate the festival, it is our humble attempt through the installation & video song to pay a tribute to the enduring spirit of Durga Puja and bring cheer to everyone’s lives.”