Author Todd L. Cook’s New Book Convict Logic From Leadership to a Better Life

Author Todd L. Cook’s New Book Convict Logic From Leadership to a Better Life

Lincoln, NE, June 28, 2024 –Todd L. Cook, a co-founder of Nebraskans for Prison Reform, has completed his new book, “Convict Logic: From Leadership to a Better Life”: a compelling and transformative journey into the mind of a man whose criminal past has led to profound insights on leadership, personal development, and the pursuit of a better life.

During his incarceration, author Todd L. Cook earned his paralegal diploma and an associate degree in business and is currently pursuing his bachelor’s degree in business administration through Adams State University in Alamosa, Colorado. He grew up in Norfolk, Nebraska, and found himself in trouble with the law early in life, leading to his conviction of first-degree murder at the age of 18 and a mandatory life-without-parole sentence. Now, Cook’s mission in life is to give back and to make up for the harm that he’s caused.

“What is leadership?” writes Cook. “By definition, it is direction, guidance, control, management, and supervision. A person or thing that leads or is followed by others is considered a ‘leader.’ In practice, these terms take on many forms, and I will attempt to shed some light on not only what it takes to be a good leader but also what you can do to develop the qualities that are necessary to make people want to follow you.

“Every one of us is in a position of leadership whether we currently recognize it or not. Our daily lives of work, family, and friends offer us constant opportunities to either demonstrate our leadership qualities or to develop them. If you understand that we are all connected by our shared experiences and start to take charge of how those daily interactions affect the people around you, then it makes sense to become the best teammate you can be.”