Jerrylyn Holland’s Newly Released Live and Pursue

Jerrylyn Holland’s Newly Released Live and Pursue

Myersville, MD, December 06, 2023 — “Live and Pursue”: a potent example of spiritual growth and determination. “Live and Pursue” is the creation of published author, Jerrylyn Holland.

Holland shares, “Nevelle pursued love from one man after another until the heartbreak it brought became unbearable. The pursuit brought her to her lowest point until she had no desire to live.

“God was to blame. The man was to blame. Her father was to blame. She was to blame. This vicious cycle seemed to have no end. All she wanted was to love and be loved, yet to acquire it was not that simple. Nevelle had to reach deep within herself and face the truth of her past.

“An encounter with the Lord led her to the beginning of where the pain began. It was a pain that she had buried deep in her heart, one in which she had not known had become the filter of how she lived her life.

“With a new perspective of God, love, forgiveness, and repentance, Nevelle began a new journey to live and pursue godliness and wholeness.”