In the system of modern education, the initiative of establishing Atal Tinkering Labs by NITI Aayog for K12 students is something that allows the children to experiment, learn, develop and conceptualize different scientific ideas. This lab facilitates projects similar to DIY projects where the students are stimulated to apply the knowledge in a practical way. It’s not only helping the students to learn the real-life application and importance of the theories that they learn from their books but it is also developing a natural kinship towards STEM education. The students are getting the ideal ambience and tools for practically experiencing the theories they learned in the classroom. With everything getting online, students are keen to innovate something new. Most of the scientific or engineering innovations happen when different theories are blended together in a meaningful and focused way. For the young students, this experience has turned out to be a sense of learning. Young minds are allowed to empathise, ideate, experiment, take risks and they have the essence of trusting their skills better. Because of the idea of tinkering, they are evolving themselves from a visionary young child to somebody who can transform their ideas into reality.
Globalisation, technological advancement, and automation- everything is emerging. Many traditional job categories are being scrapped, at this point it was a great urge to rethink and reform the education system of India. Well that’s where a well-designed STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program, tailored to the needs of the future sector, happened and is being very well executed. The number of STEM jobs is increasing at an unrivalled rate, professions established in the next decade will necessitate some level of math and science knowledge.
Agreeing to the fact, Anurag Gupta, Co-founder, STEMROBO Technologies who offers STEM education to the K12 students and established ATL in schools said that “ATL is an amazing workspace that enables young minds to shape their ideas by following “do everything yourself” mode. Young children are being immensely offered with opportunities to work with tools and equipment to understand the concepts of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). It is empowering the youth with the skills of creativity, innovation, critical thinking etc. which have become the need of the hour in the 21st century. So many students out there are enjoying all these processes and are opening new doors for their future.”
Rajeev Tiwari, another Co-founder at STEMROBO Technologies commented “I believe that learning at a young stage makes things easier in the future. With students learning skills in their school through ATL will make their college and work life more passionate driven. The young minds try their hands on in their lab, experimentation, etc for which they will be able to give better and innovative inputs for the betterment of the society. Getting away from rote learning and focusing more on practical learning approaches, this will encourage the youth of India to foster growth for themselves and for the nation as a whole.”
“Students will be able to make better applications, take out innovative solutions to the problems that are stopping the growth of the nation. Students develop a keen interest in tinker labs and participate very much. Parents out there surely do not want to miss out this amazing opportunity to teach their children a subject that has enormous potential and significance. Schools are joining the race to equip their students with the most appropriate set of skills for the future. With the rapid set of digitalisation schools have incorporated coding in their curriculum so that our students can learn everything that the future demands”, he adds.
Atal Tinkering Labs are tremendously increasing and are turning out to be a leapfrogging trend for the growth of the education system. It is just the beginning of the era where students will get a growth perspective. Science, maths, and art are definitely very important. But an innovative, entrepreneurship mindset in a school environment allows all students to learn in their own style and ways. In January ISRO announced that it will adopt 100 Atal Tinkering Labs across the country for mentorship and promoting STEM and Space Education.
According to Niti Aayog, Atal Innovation Mission have been able to establish over 7,000 ATLs across the country so far, enabling more than three million students between classes six to 12 acquire a problem solving, tinkering and innovative mindset.
ATL has a set of educational and learning equipment on – science, electronics, robotics, open source microcontroller boards, sensors and 3D printers etc which in the future prospect, can take the students to higher levels. It is going to be a country full of problem-solving entrepreneurs and parents can’t resist their kids from learning all this.