The symptoms of calcium deficiency in Children and Adults

Time to Help Patients With Kidney Disease Live Well Experts

Dr. Niranjan Nayak, Consultant Pathologist, Apollo Diagnostic Pune

Do you have any teeth problems? Are you fatigued all the time? Is that dry skin stealing your peace of mind? Then, beware! It can be owing to calcium deficiency. Yes, you have heard it right! Calcium deficiency is commonly seen in children and adults and can invite a wide range of health issues in them. Thus, it will be imperative for each and everyone to monitor their calcium levels as suggested by the doctor and seek appropriate medical attention. Neglecting it can land you in trouble.

Calcium is one of the important minerals that one requires for good bones and teeth. It is required for the proper functioning of the nerves, muscles, and heart. But, a majority of children and adults are deficient in calcium. Did you know? Hypocalcemia means excessively low levels of calcium in the blood. Being deficient in calcium can take a toll on one’s entire well-being and give you a tough time. Even after being deficient in calcium not many are aware of it and choose to ignore it. Here are some of the worrisome signs of calcium deficiency that one should look out for. Make sure to seek further help from an expert after you have been found deficient in calcium.

These are the symptoms that you need to be aware of

  • Numbness: And even tingling sensation in hands and feet can indicate calcium deficiency.
  • Fatigue: Low levels of calcium cause weakness and you will feel exhausted. Thus, it will not be possible for you to do your daily chores with ease.
  • Muscle cramps: Are you aware? You may get muscle cramps, muscle spasms, and even have muscle weakness due to calcium deficiency as muscles lacking calcium are unable to maintain their normal tone.
  • Seizures: You will be shocked to know that Hypocalcemia can trigger seizures as it over-excites the brain.
  • Osteoporosis: Calcium deficiency can lead to low bone-mineral density causing osteoporosis wherein one’s bone becomes brittle and there is an increased risk of fracture.
  • Dry skin: When calcium levels are low, the skin cannot maintain moisture and a healthy pH. Thus, your skin can dry out.
  • Tooth and gum problems: Gum disease and tooth decay are common due to the lack of calcium in the body.
  • Rickets: Low calcium levels lead to rickets in children and result in bone breakage.

Know about the diagnosis of low calcium levels: If you have symptoms like tooth problems, numbness, muscle cramps then the doctor will recommend you to check your calcium levels. A calcium blood test helps to measure the amount of calcium in one’s blood. So, you will have to give your blood sample, and then the doctor will let you know about the further treatment plan.

The take-home message: You will also be asked to adopt healthy eating habits. You will have to include dairy products, seeds, beans, green leafy vegetables, figs, broccoli, tofu, spinach, nuts, and soybean in the diet.

About Neel Achary 19567 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.