The act of farmers to oppose the bullet train is completely justified said BPP chairman, Naresh Yadav.
In addition to all the opposition parties against Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dream project “Bullet train”, thousands of farmers from Gujarat and Maharashtra have also opened the front.
Farmers have reached with their petition against the project in the Gujarat High Court and united to oppose the bullet train, but here the considerable question is Why farmers opposing the ambitious project of Mr. PM Modi Whereas the Prime Minister himself has already described the scheme – as a scheme for the benefit of the country’s well being, welfare and upliftment. Actually, a 110-km corridor of 509 km long proposed bullet train scheme between Mumbai and Ahmedabad passes through Palghar near Mumbai. Palghar is actually a tribal plural area. The government wants to acquire 1400 hectares of land for a project of Rs 110 lakh crore, for which they says to spend 10 thousand crore rupees.
National president of the Bhartiya Panchayat Party Naresh Yadav says that-Government has started sending notice of land acquisition to farmers of Thane and Palghar along with Gujarat but the question is what the need of bullet train between Ahmedabad to Gujarat. Indian rail system is not being handled by the government, how will the bullet train be handled? And the other thing is that the fare of bullet train will be so high it will be out of reach of common people. Those who have to travel this route by spending huge amount would like to travel by flight from a bullet train at a lower cost. Every day Thousands of people travel from Palghar to Mumbai in a miserable situation. And now it is important for government to fix the already existing railway system and then plans something like a bullet train.
Past days, the Kausalmi General of Japan had said in the programs organized in Mumbai and Ahmedabad that for bullet train project Indian government should complete the work of land acquisition at the earliest. While implementing that the Modi government started sending notices to the farmers of Gujarat and Maharashtra. It is a result of the fight for their rights being fought by the farmers that National High Speed Rail Corporation Limited has so far acquired only 0.9 hectares of land. The farmer organization opposing the same project said “even the farmers of Gujarat is not happy with the bullet train project If the government does not change its attitude, an all-party convention will be held in Gujarat in the coming time”. Farmer and tribal association has clearly said that they will not going to share a single inch of their land with government for the bullet train project. Meanwhile modi government should adopt a ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas’ formulas, and then bring about its ambitious plans. And it should also be taken into consideration that the land which is being demanded to be acquired is of such productive and irrigated areas which are known for export quality fruit cultivation. It is necessary that the government uses the land already acquired for the dedicated freight corridor project instead. If this cannot happen, then at least do not ignore the demands of the farmers.