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Testlify’s AI-Powered Talent Assessment Platform Now Available in India & US to Revolutionize the Recruitment Landscape

India, December 14, 2023 –  Today, Testlify, a cutting-edge AI-driven talent assessment platform, has announced its official reach into the Indian and US markets and is poised to transform hiring processes and talent evaluation methodologies. […]


Wellthy Therapeutics Demonstrates Sustained Improvements in Blood Glucose Control and Variability over 6 months

Mumbai: Digital therapeutics innovator Wellthy Therapeutics showcased compelling data on the effectiveness of their digital therapeutics platform in combination with a self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG) device by Roche Diabetes Care, at the annual American Diabetes […]


Nasscom organizes ‘Combating COVID19 With Technology’ webinar

Bangalore: COVID19 caught us unaware but next time, we will be prepared, said Dr. Devi Shetty, Chairman & Founder, Narayana Health, while presenting keynote address at two-hour virtual webconference on Combating COVID19 Through Technology organized by NASSCOM Center […]