AI LOGISTIX rebrands itself, promises ‘Green deliveries with Zero Carbon emission’

13th September, 2022AI LOGISTIX today announced that it looking at a rebranding exercise that highlights its vision, mission and motto. As a young company in its infancy, the company felt that our logo should reflect dynamism hence the colour red. Today, however, the company has established itself and would now like the focus to be – an Intelligent Logistics company engaged in Green Delivery. Hence while the name remains the same the logo colour is now green.

When the company began its journey to “Deliver delight to the desolate rural,” they soon discovered that the more immediate need was to optimise the last-mile transportation cost with zero carbon emissions. As a result, they redirected the branding to reflect this and seek to establish a relationship of trust with consumers of their products and services to generate further loyalty and create awareness.

According to Abdul Khadeer, Founder and CEO, Wayne W. Dyer, the motivational coach said “Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”. As a Founder & CEO when we started AI Logistix, the idea is to bring change in logistics through our intelligent systems and thoughts we discuss in our meetings. One such meeting was with my Co-Founder Mamata Reddy was why not optimize the last mile delivery. When we used to see Zomato or Zepto or Big Basket riders working so hard to earn their livelihood through rent bikes and spending so much on Petrol, we felt like why can’t we become their partner in their growth by giving them a chance to work hard without any other worries and that’s how we have planned to become “your LAST sMILE delivery partner” with green Deliveries as it saves huge cost to the companies as well.  Zomato says red outside, Green Inside… we say ” we have changed ourselves from Red to Green”

As AI Logistix, a company that seeks to solve Day-to-Day Logistics & Supply Chain issues with Intelligent Systems & Processes to become the most preferred Logistics Service Partner by doing basics right. They are on a mission to cover the entire India without any ODA charges or Non Serviceable location charges with Green Deliveries. The new rebranding reflects this purpose. The logistics industry is transitioning from an old-school approach to a modern approach by integrating technology into its operations to increase cost-effectiveness and fulfil customers’ evolving service demands. The rebranding reflects the Intelligent method of eco-friendly deliveries and being “your LAST sMILE delivery partner.”