Nitrogen constitutes 78% of the air we breathe and the invention of nitrogen generators has become more pertinent for businesses and industrial applications’ need to imbibe pure air.
A nitrogen generator can produce purities of up to 99.9999%. It can deliver pure nitrogen as output, and facilitate the separation of nitrogen molecules from dry compressed air. The demand for industrial nitrogen generators is on a steady rise since having an onsite nitrogen generator has proven to be way more beneficial, especially in cutting costs and eliminating the need to procure gas cylinders.
Common Types of Nitrogen Generators
Pressure swing adsorption generators and membrane generators are the two common types of nitrogen generators.
- Membrane Nitrogen Generators: They employ a method that is termed selective permeation. They separate the molecules of nitrogen from the stream of compressed air flowing in with the pressure. Porous hollow fibres of variable length, efficiency, material, and diameter are what these kinds of generators make use of.
- Pressure Swing Adsorption Nitrogen Generators: These kinds of generators carry out their separation by making use of a carbon molecular sieve situated into towers; one which is Tower A, and the other which is Tower B. Please note, it’s “adsorption”, and it shouldn’t be confused with absorption.
The separation and regeneration process is the different processes carried out respectively by the two pressure towers A and B. While other gases in the compressed air are adsorbed, nitrogen is isolated as compressed air flows into the PSA generator.
These generators provide the flow volume and purity levels some industries require, but one of the downsides is that they may be more expensive than membrane generators.
Benefits of Onsite Nitrogen Generators
There are lots of benefits attached to making use of an onsite nitrogen generator. Gas cylinders do come with some issues, and onsite nitrogen generators can put an end to all troubles, which is just one of the several benefits.
- Safety of Workers: There can be a damage of equipment and workers and be exposed to the risk of sustaining injuries if they’ll have to be moving heavy gas cylinders around. Whereas, onsite nitrogen generators can remove these hazards. Since workers’ safety should be the priority of a laboratory, construction site, or a factory, onsite generation should be encouraged.
- Cost Saving: Using a nitrogen generator can save you a whole lot of stress and financial complications. You can save yourself the stress of shipping, waiting for shipment to arrive, and as well lessen the costs of purchasing cylinders. For most nitrogen-using industries, an increase in production cost can be provoked by the year-round fluctuation of gas prices, which is a motivating factor to switch to an on-site nitrogen generator.
- Environmental Impact. You’ll be playing a significant role and contributing to the environment by obliging to onsite nitrogen generation because there’s a tremendous amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere during the production of nitrogen cylinders, not to even talk of the level of energy they demand. Trucks delivering the cylinders can be reduced, and emissions from cylinder manufacturers can be massively minimised when you go for an onsite nitrogen generator.
- Corrosion Prevention. Prevention of corrosion is another beautiful benefit of employing onsite nitrogen generators. In the case of an emergency, it helps to ensure the pipes and the entire system function as required, it aids in mitigation of the buildup of obstructive material, and deposit formation is also reduced. Due to oxygen in the air, it reduces corrosion; when you apply nitrogen in fire sprinkler systems.
Industrial Application of On-site Nitrogen Generators
Distinct industries widely apply this valuable process referred to as on-site nitrogen generation, and here’s how they go by it;
- Food Industry: It “shames” the culprit that contributes to food spoilage for nitrogen displaces oxygen. Nitrogen comes pretty handily in food and beverage packaging, and this is why nitrogen generators are well-used in the food industry.
- Beverage Processing Industry: Nitrogen is used for beer bottling, canning, dispensing, and many more in beverage industries, and it helps in fast-drying bottles after being washed. It also protects the natural flavour, aroma, colour, and acidity of wine for as long as it is stored.
- Pharmaceutical Industry: Nitrogen is helpful in the pharmaceutical industry in the cleanliness of the pharmaceutical environment and preserving sterility. It’s useful in restoring unwanted atmosphere hazardous to manufacturing conditions, it helps maintain the content just like in the food industry, and helps in this industry’s packaging.
- Manufacturing Industries: Manufacturing industries are vast, and they need onsite nitrogen generators for packaging, product transfer, inerting, and purging.
- Military Application: Nitrogen is useful in the military as it helps prevent mould and fungus growth and replace oxygen in instruments with nitrogen. It also helps to waterproof and defog essential optical equipment such as telescopes, night vision goggles, cameras, and binoculars.