New Delhi: Mr. BL Gaur today launched his 12th book ‘Kaise Bane Vishwakarma” at All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi. The book under HRD Ministry was unveiled by Union HRD Minister Dr Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank. The newly launched book is published by Selective and Scientific Books. The book is based on elementary knowledge of civil engineering.
Mr. Gaur, an author, visionary person and engineer is the founder of Gaursons India Group. A gifted genius, Gaur is a rich property tycoon who achieved notoriety for his flamboyant style in the 1990s. He had also written many other books including Meethi Eid, Yatharth se sanwad,Kab pani mein duba suraj, Ek din yu hi, jati hui dhoop, neev se nali tak etc. Apart from writing he brings the vision to his business by engaging his son, Mr. Manoj Gaur.
Expressing his happiness on the occasion Dr. Ramesh Pokhariyal Nishank said, “ I would like to congratulate Shri BL Gaur for his 12th book and hope that the book will be appreciated by its readers.”