3 Tips For Using LinkedIn For Business Purposes


If you’ve been wondering how your business could use social media in a more creative or effective way, one place you might want to start is with LinkedIn.

While many businesses know and understand how to use social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook, these same businesses often forget or flounder when it comes to LinkedIn. But in the right circumstances and used the right ways, LinkedIn can be a great way for you to grow your brand and your business.

To help you see how this can be possible, here are three tips for using LinkedIn for business purposes

Check Out Your Competitors

For businesses that don’t think that using LinkedIn makes sense on the surface, one of the first things you might want to do as you attempt this social platform yourself is to see what your competitors are doing.

According to Katie Sehl, a contributor to HootSuite.com, businesses that are struggling to see how LinkedIn might fit in with their business or marketing plans can benefit from seeing how their competitors use the platform. Sometimes, you might see something they’re doing right that you could replicate or improve upon. Other times, auditing their presence might give you insight into something they’re missing that you could then do. Either way, knowing what you’re up against can help make your first steps on LinkedIn easier. 

Focus On Quality Content

On other social media platforms, it often seems like quantity or consistency is more important than quality when it comes to sharing content. But on LinkedIn, the quality of what you’re sharing is of the utmost importance. 

Knowing this, Simone Johnson, a contributor to Business News Daily, advises that any business sharing content on LinkedIn should have the quality of that content be their main focus. Ideally, the content should offer value that won’t easily be found elsewhere. This way, those who follow you or see your content will begin to view what you’re posting with more reverence. 

Become A Vital Part Of Groups

Along with sharing content through your own LinkedIn business profile, Randy Duermyer, a contributor to The Balance Small Business, shares that to make the most of your time on LinkedIn, you should also try to be very involved in groups

Through groups, you can interact directly with others and begin to build a reputation and relationships. This can take your LinkedIn usage to a whole new level, especially if you’re able to become somewhat of a thought leader or expert within some of these groups that you belong to. 

If you’re wanting to start using LinkedIn for purposes of growing your business, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you learn how this can be done and how to employ successful growth strategies.

About Neel Achary 21824 Articles
Neel Achary is the editor of Business News This Week. He has been covering all the business stories, economy, and corporate stories.