“Can NFTs Empower Communities”: MiamiCoin Invites All to Speaker Panel Series During Miami Art Week

“Can NFTs Empower Communities”: MiamiCoin Invites All to Speaker Panel Series During Miami Art Week

The event consists of a series of digital NFT galleries and artist showcases with three live panels based around the theme: “Can NFTs empower communities and engage residents while improving the quality of life in our city?,” followed by their networking event and official after-party.

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) is a new technology undergoing significant growth in 2021. NFTs provide property rights and ownership for digital assets, making each NFT unique. In conjunction with blockchains, smart contracts and cryptocurrency – NFTs are a part of web 3.0, wherein users can tangibly share in the success of the communities and applications that they connect to.

MiamiCoin the first programmable, city-based token from CityCoins, was designed to incentivize innovative web 3.0 applications that can add new revenue streams for the City of Miami, while delivering new benefits and services for residents.

“As the MiamiCoin ecosystem continues to grow, MIA will be used to empower all types of creators within the artistic community and beyond – to generate new forms of creative expression, and as MiamiCoin evolves, we may even begin to see MIA NFTs used as digital heirlooms, fractionalized real estate shares or access passes to venues or events.” – CityCoins Community Blog

As part of the MiamiCoin mission, the expert panel will discuss the ways that NFTs can be a part of the MiamiCoin ecosystem to help not just artists but everyday residents of Miami thrive in the coming years and decades.

The panels will cover the topic from three different angles:

Vision – The long-term goals and potential impact that can be generated.

Technical – The developers share their insights about creating applications on MiamiCoin.

Creative – A deeper look at the first wave of NFT projects that are being built.

As the first CityCoin community-led, project, MiamiCoin Art Week initiatives will serve as innovative testing grounds – the results of which will go on to influence future CityCoin projects.

Featured Panelists:

Mike Sarasti – the City of Miami’s CIO/Director of Innovation and Technology, a position charged with driving innovation, technology operations, process improvement, collaboration, and data-driven strategy across municipal government. As a core member of Francis Suarez’s Venture Miami team, he provides concierge support to founders, funders, and technologists across Miami’s tech ecosystem.

Brittany Laughlin – the Executive Director of the Stacks Foundation. Laughlin is an adjunct professor at Cornell Law School, teaching about blockchain. She’s spent the last decade working at the intersection of community, capital, and internet collaboration. Over the past five years she’s worked in the blockchain industry as an operator and venture investor. Most recently working at Blockstack PBC to help conduct the first US-qualified Reg A offering, grow the Blockstack ecosystem in Asia, and create partnerships to further access to STX.

Invited panelists include:

Jason Schrader – Core Dev for the CityCoins Protocol.

Drew Falkman – Entrepreneur in Residence with the Stacks Foundation and a member of the Syvita Guild DAO, the creator of daoOS, winner of the MiamiCoin hackathon with the MiamiVoice app.

Gianni D’Alerta – Founder of NFTCuba.Art. Gianni’s insatiable curiosity drew him to the blockchain industry in 2013 where he was a founding member of Ethereum.

Jamil.btc – Founder of stxnft.com, the first open NFT marketplace on Stacks.