Kolkata: “Decoding Motherhood” by Vidhi Beri is not only a maternity book but an overall parcel of the most relevant things pertaining to the most blessed phase of a life — motherhood. This book is the need of the hour, especially in times like these where we are so busy in our lives, start losing ourselves and are not able to concentrate on the little things that matter the most.
95% of us plan to have children, are going to have children or have had them. Decoding motherhood is relevant to the Indian parenting context whether you are single, married as a couple, or have children. This book is for all our senior citizens, who have daughters and daughters-in-laws, and with whose children they will be interacting.
“Decoding Motherhood” is a result of Vidhi Beri’s decade of knowledge and learning. She has brought this book together with a lot of observation, empirical research and most importantly, love. As a devoted mother herself, she believes that everyone should have a book that will help them enjoy each and every snippet of this wonderful phase. She presents this book as a 9-step guide, starting right from Conception to Toddler Weaning.
This book is a gift to not only urban mothers or parents, but also to Ek Tara’s Mothers’ Forum “Inara” (Ray of Light), who are no less than Super Moms.
The main purpose of our Mothers’ Forum is to empower the community mothers into becoming powerful agents of change in society.
The forum will enable our community mothers to meet and get to know each other, share ideas and information, problem solve and build a community for themselves and their families.
For more information, please contact: sarah@ektara.org.in