Fixderma Introduces Nigrifix Under-Arm Roll-On

Gurugram, 27 June 2024: Fixderma’s commitment to bringing the best in skincare innovation introduces the latest entrant to their Nigrifix portfolio – Nigrifix Underarm Lightening Roll-On! This innovative formula is designed to meet the skincare needs of individuals battling underarm pigmentation and body odour.

Nigrifix, their patented bestseller, with its New Underarm Lightening Roll-On aims to not only reduce Underarm Pigmentation in just 2 weeks but also control body odour. Infused with the power ingredients like Cybright-G, 6% AHA, Kojic Acid, Lactic Acid & Mandelic Acid, this launch is another step in the direction of taking the Nigrifix brand legacy forward.

With the campaign communication idea – Roll Pigmentation Away, the brand has plans to build awareness across Digital touch points like YouTube & Social Media.

With this launch, Shaily Mehrotra, the visionary Founder of Fixderma, emphasizes the brand’s dedication to merging cutting-edge science with diverse requirements of consumers. “The Nigrifix Under-Arm Roll-On epitomises our relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence, delivering visible results in dark patch reduction in just a fortnight.” she said.