Saint Louis, MO : When Hostirian President, Ken Cox and Head Marketing Specialist, Nik Glanz, realized that the company needed to compile their online information into one easy-to-use link, they went searching for the perfect service. After much research, it was clear that such a platform for businesses did not exist, so they decided to create one. After weeks of hard work, InLink was born.
In this day in age, approximately 91% of businesses have a social media profile. Businesses using multiple social media platforms have the responsibility of sharing every online platform link to users, in addition to sharing their contact information. InLink solves that challenge by condensing all social media platform links and business information into one profile.
“Instead of giving out five links to five social media profiles, another for your website, and then your phone number and email address, you now can put all of that info in one profile, so whoever is looking at it can choose whichever way they would like to contact you,” Nik Glanz, vice president of InLink, said. “Your link is also very easy to remember, it’s literally ‘inlink.com/your username here’.”
InLink allows its users to customize an entire profile top-to-bottom with several different pre-designed templates, background options, and a profile picture. The platform has nearly 30 different social media and contact platform options with plans to add even more. Creating a profile is quick, easy, and free. InLink also features a “pro” option, which stands at only $2.50 a month or $30 a year.
“There are a lot of small businesses in the world that don’t need their own website and this would give them the opportunity to have an easy-to-use, pre-built website that’s an aggregate of all of their business information and social media profiles,” president of InLink, Ken Cox, said.
Cox and Glanz have plans to grow the service by including additional features, such as Google Maps and a website domain name. They hope to have these features and more added by the third quarter of 2021.